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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Actually, you were talking about "1) we spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a poorly-implemented light rail system that made transit LESS convenient..." I made the mistake of thinking that you intended your reply to RedScare as a rebuttal, rather than supporting the example he gave (of his brother). So what the hell were you trying to say? Is there a point? Well gee, Niche. You seem peeved. I was merely pointing out that citing an unnamed source doesn't lend creedence to your argument. And aren't you the fellow who states that he thinks for himself? Why are you (once again) relying on Mr. (whoever)'s expertise?
  2. Here's a direct link to the American Lung Associations's State of the Air: 2007 online report.
  3. Do the above posters know the accused? Can they say for a FACT that they're not from Sugar Land? Or is there some 'assuming' going on?
  4. Is there anything on the Goat Islands? Who owns them?
  5. Noticed that a few truckloads of topsoil have been dumped on the slab - wonder if there are plans to sod (plant grass) the property? You'd think they'd remove the slab first, though...
  6. Today I noticed that several windows are now "un-boarded up", for lack of a better term..
  7. You know, I ride the rail on a fairly regular basis and see many visitors (out-of-towners, tourists, what have you.) Your assertion is just flatout wrong, false, unsubstantiated, based on faulty data, ignorant, biased, bigoted and silly. If you could pry your nose out of statistical tables long enough to actually ride the train, your eyes could tell you what your mind seems incapable of grasping: the train works. People ride it because it works. Especially visitors. So he makes a career of such matters. That means he's doing it for the money, right? Is it possible that he (or she) is not a person of integrity?You can get people to say just about anything...if you pay them. A whore "makes a career" too, but that doesn't mean she's in love with those who pay her.Any fool can publish a textbook, and several have.
  8. President Bush's radio address 4/21/07: "What we do know is that this was a deeply troubled young man
  9. Idle observation: While waiting at Wheeler Station, I noticed that the big SEARS sign on the roof (facing southwest) also contains neon tubing which spells OPEN T 9 (to 9? 'til 9?) Since it's not lit you have to look really hard to see it. Wonder when it was last used?
  10. May I add to this list motorcyclists who think having no muffler makes them "macho" instead of deaf and pathetic.
  11. Perhaps someone more in touch with the business can answer this one: How come the ultracheap housing isn't listed? There are hard-core slum areas of Houston where houses go for very little. But "very little" is a relative term. People will advertise a used refrigerator for $40, but not a $20k shotgun shack. Seems like an untapped market to me.
  12. I can really sympathize, having worked for a large conservative corporation. For the most part being 'out' wasn't a problem - until I was assigned to a certain woman's group. She was the sort who give Christians a bad name in some circles. Had the nerve to tell my co-workers that she prayed I'd be healed of my affliction, used to lisp when talking to me (and only to me), would spray Lysol on the phone after I used it (!), etc. She also was the only supervisor who ever gave me anything but excellent reviews. When faced with her behavior, she would either deny it or claim she was only joking. Ha. Ha. On the other hand, I think it's incumbant on a person to challenge bigotry when confronted with it. A simple statement such as "I have gay family members, and worry that they'll be mistreated" can go a long way towards shutting people up. It's much the same as confronting racist remarks. A sledgehammer response usually isn't needed to shame people into more appropriate workplace conversation.
  13. Especially if you're talking about this:
  14. Originally it was titled "Midnight Plane to Houston". They changed not only the destination but the means of transport, too. BBC reference
  15. I found this article (E-I-E. You owe. by Lisa Gray) in today's Chron quite interesting. "...I set off to investigate Home Sweet Farm, Brad and Jenny Stufflebeam's 22 acres near Brenham. In February, the Washington County Appraisal District sent the couple a registered letter that said they'd been denied their 2007 agricultural tax exemption. Their property, the assessor wrote, "does not meet the degree of intensity requirements as set out in the 2007 WACD Guidelines for 1-d-1 Ag Use." In other words: It's not really a farm. And all those acres would be taxed at Washington County's residential rate
  16. Somehow I expect to see a drive-thru window.
  17. Properties used for surface parking are severely undertaxed. Why reward people for poking holes in the urban fabric? Permits should be required to convert property to surface parking - and they should be issued sparingly and cost dearly.
  18. How does the action compare with an acoustic piano's? Is the 'touch' as subtle? My exposure to modern digital pianos has been limited. Most of my playing has been done on worn-out uprights, which has restricted me mostly to whorehouse music.
  19. Branard...is it BRAY-nard, or BRAN-ard? bra-NARD?
  20. Jeez. Who does he think he is...Alec Baldwin? >
  21. The explanations I've heard have to do with Houston's infamous gumbo soil; it expands and contracts dramatically depending on moisture content, and chemically reacts with the materials used to insulate the lines. At least that's what they told us when I worked for HL&P. My emperical observation was that customers with underground service had a lot more problems then those with overhead drops.
  22. "O'Donnell said on the show Wednesday that she wanted to stay for one more year, and ABC wanted three. So she decided to leave, although she said she will appear occasionally next season for things like a planned one-hour special on autism. " ...or so says she.
  23. Don't put too much faith in the trip planner. I recently needed to take a bus to the 4200 block of the Southwest Freeway. According to Metro's trip planner, I could take either the 25 Richmond or 53 Westheimer Limited and get off on Richmond @ Drexel, with a 1/4 mile walk to my destination. This may be true, technically - if one is willing to cross Hwy 59 on foot . Otherwise it results in an unnecessary additional half mile (or more) of walking east back to Weslayan, crossing under the freeway, then back west along the 59 feeder.
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