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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Corrected spelling in topic title again - the word is spelled 'their', not 'thier'.
  2. Among the first (perhaps second?) to have electric street lighting, in 1882 - only a few months after Edison lighted part of NYC. At least that's what they told us when I worked for HL&P.
  3. I notice that one of the stone panels has fallen off the south wall of Central Bank. Maybe having a taxpayer get conked in the head might motivate the city to insist on some action.
  4. Whether it's safety standards, pollution control, fuel economy or taking responsibility for defective products ("Lemon Laws") it seems the only thing that motivates the American automobile industry to improve is government regulation.
  5. too-am san fuh-LEE-pay Had a friend who insisted on calling Genesee Street je-NEE-see instead of JENN-uh-see.
  6. The only "The Norman" I know of is on W. Alabama @ Stanford. It's a weirdly remuddled old (1920's?) apartment building. Rumor has it that this was done by college students in the 60's - anyone knwo if that's true?
  7. It sounds like he's out to ban them altogether. There are no 'grandfather' clauses for SOBs and no assurances that they won't be forced to move again for the reasons you mentioned. I have to echo a question previously asked - what do schools, daycare centers or churches have to do with SOBs? I know a man who owns several adult bookstores. His properties are more attractive than any of the surrounding buildings. Signage is discreet, landscaping has been installed and maintained and security provided. Isn't this a more desirable neighbor than, say, a combination convenience store/gas station/crackhead hangout? The laws banning such businesses within a certain distance of churchs is especially egregious. Where does 1500' feet appear in the Bible or the Constitution? Absurd.
  8. I should know where that house is (was) - it looks familiar. Any info?
  9. Cousin's, 813 Fairview. If you find John Waters' movies funny, and can really appreciate genuine decadence, check out their drag shows on the weekends. Not for the faint of heart.
  10. By 'RGV' do you mean Rio Grande Valley? Talk about faint praise....
  11. OK Suppose there's a Q&A session. What would your question be? Since you asked.... The integration of the museum with the surrounding neighborhood is (so far as I know) unique. There are economic pressures within the neighborhood; can we maintain the surrounding buildings which contribute so to the museum? Do you have recommendations as to how future structures can be integrated?
  12. Just curious - what makes you such an expert? I live in the neighborhood (you don't) and I haven't noticed any such thing. Street kids are not a priority to me. Amen.
  13. What fun! Every example of an architectural 'type' goes through that awkward phase - and that's where GRB is now. Mid-80's "post modern" is at its nadir of popularity. It's too old to be chic, and too new to be retro. Regardless, it's not going away soon, so we may as well like it.
  14. This is a sword that cuts both ways. Some businesses may have been intimidated into supporting the anti-rail measures because they feared repercussions. As the larger part of Houston, it's our duty to let them know that their business isn't confined merely to locals.
  15. oh, forgive me...(wiping away tears)...
  16. Maybe they only think they're sick.
  17. back on topic... 'hater' is a word that irks me. Just because someone disagrees doesn't make him (or her) a 'hater'. To depict those who disagree as hateful seems disingenuous.
  18. Your distinctions are appreciated, and applauded.
  19. What a great subject! I'm proud to be an American because my ancestors (well, some of them) have been here since the 1600s. Some fought in the Revolution (and one of them had a medal pinned on his chest by George Washington.) The pride I feel about my ancestors is purely personal. In the greater scope, it really doesn't matter. And the person who achieved citizenship today has the same rights as I do. Good! We're a country perpetually in revolution. We elect people; we toss them out. We empower people; we rein them in when necessary. Are we a purely capitalistic society? Of course not. Just look at the Anti-trust laws and the New Deal. We're the biggest, best, messiest experiment ever. Whether it works is up to us. Do you vote? Do you show up for jury duty? Do you insist on justice?
  20. Kimberly. Dear. That's abnormal. It's irrational and unhealthy. You cannot avoid germs. You're a healthy young woman who has less to fear than you think. Germs are not the problem; fear is. Bacteria are normal; you couldn't live without them. Your mouth, your gut, your skin are rife with bacteria. Lucky you! They protect us, they help us digest food. An utterly sterile environment is not desirable (despite advertising to the contrary). Cleanliness is a virtue. Like many virtues, it can be perverted.
  21. Recognition equals power. With the exception of elected officials, we're talking about those whose sole claim is name recognition. Therefore, I will not empower the people I strongly dislike (OK, hate) by mentioning their names.
  22. dbigtex56


    Steven Wright, Martin Short, Jon Stewart, Amy Sedaris, George W. Bush (but only when he's not trying.)
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