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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. The scoreboard clock here reads 3:53

    Maybe that was the time left in the game?

    JB, if the game started at 2:35, and the clock shows 3:53. that means they played the game in a little over an hour.

    I would swear the opening game with the Yankees was played at night. It was probably one of the biggest single day events in the City's history.

    If anyone remembers, the very first event in the Dome open to the public was a sellout. It took place a week or so before the Yankees series. The event? It was the Boy Scouts Jamboree. People didn't care about the event. They just wanted to be the first to see the Dome.


    JB, I looked at the link you provided. The story says the first game was an Astros win, 2-1 in 12 innings. In your picture, the 'Stros won 3-2 in 9 innings. That picture is surely not the first game.

    Besides, I wouldn't argue with the man who taught Nolan everything there was to know about pitching. In fact, rumor has it that T-Bird also taught Satchel Paige, but that can't be confirmed.

  2. This was not the first exhibition game with the Yankees. I attended that game on a Friday night, and the Astros won 2-1. The scoreboard clock here reads 3:53.

    I don't know if it was this game or not, but at one of the first games, Julius LsRoas sang the National Anthem - and forgot the words!

  3. I have never really liked the Dome. So I would have no qualms if they tore it down. But that's not my decision since I am no longer a resident there.

    I have many, many great memories from going to the Dome. I still have my ticket from the UH/UCLA Hayes/Alcindor basketball game, the one that put college basketball in the Big Time. I saw Clay fight Big Cat Williams there. I saw Jamie Bravo gored by a bull, just as he was in every performance there.

    I saw the first soccer game played there, although I was so bored I think I fell asleep and


    I saw the worst pro football game ever played there. It was the Oilers and the Steelers when Pastorinni and Bradshaw were both rookies. Pittsburgh won 10-7. Both teams were so inept it was laughable. The other 10 people in the crowd thought it was boring, too!

    I have all those and many, many more memories of the Dome, but still I disliked the place. It made you feel like you were watching a show that a sporting event. It was just too

  4. There was a miniature golf course on Yale, north of Loop 610, during the 1960s, going north, on the right side, just before the railroad tracks. The putting surfaces had black felt instead of green. I either went there on a birthday or with Cub Scouts. It was already kind of worn out at that point. Sad that most putt putt courses are gone.

    I can

  5. Is this 1102 Yale? That was a Henke & Pillot (Pealot) grocery store for many years. My father worked there while he was in high school from about 1953-1955. About 1955-56 they relocated the grocery store to Merchants Park. Later it was bought out by Kroger and it is still in business at that location today. My father worked long hours at the store and diligently saved his money to buy his first new car from Johnson Motors on North Main Street in 1955. Tommy Vaughn married into the Johnson family I believe and took over the dealership, moving it to N. Shepherd about 1956 where it remains. I can't imagine why another Ford dealership would open at the old Henke's store location when there was already a Ford dealership less than a mile away. In the 1960s, the Henke building was used as a Big Bonus Stamps showroom and redemption center.

    SpaceAge, thanks for the history of that spot.

    I was pretty young when Merchant

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