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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Total acreage comparisons only skim the surface of how cities' parks serve their citizens. Massive tracts of land are one thing, and are good for wildlife and mass recreation, but a city should have an abundance of neighborhood parks, parks that don't require a weekend outing in order to enjoy them, like bike trails and pocket parks, which don't add up to much size-wise but pound for pound, might mean more than the huge parks that are mostly unused by people.

    I was just about to post the same thought.

    Who cares how many total acres of parks we have? Maybe the relatively few who actually use these areas. But I would prefer we broke up the large parks into many smaller ones.

    When I was a kid, a vacant lot or easement was sufficient size for a game of baseball or football, or even someone

  2. Subdude, I'm going back some 30 or 40 years, and possibly more, but if I recall, it would have been on the south side of old 90 between Pitts and FM359. I seem to recall it was at or just before a curve in the road right before you crossed the (very scary and dangerous) Brazos River bridge at Richmond. Looking at an old Key Map, the above location seems right.

    My granddad knew Williams pretty well, and we went to that location many times, usually on the way down to Granddaddy

  3. Though their runways may not have been long enough to accomodate a B-29.
    B-29? How about the B-36?

    The problem with the B-36 was not so much its runway length, but its weight. Very few airports, military or civilian, could handle the 36's weight. Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls was one of the few that met the requirements, and that is why it was chosen as a B-36 base.

  4. This may not be a big deal to many of you, but it is huge to me.

    The Hwy 71 overpass at 304 was opened last Saturday. Since I live off 304, this is a great benefit for me. It will also eliminate a big slowdown for those traveling from Houston to Austin.

    Work should begin soon on the overpass at 969, which is just a few hundred yards west of 304. So that will slow through traffic again for a while. Not sure what plans for the Hwy 20 intersection. 20 is not that well-traveled, but it is a very dangerous intersection.

  5. I sure hope the Democrats don't live in glass houses. How quickly they seem to have forgotten about Slick lying to a Grand Jury and getting away with it.

    And, please save me the rhetoric about what he lied about. If you lie to the Grand Jury about committing a triple murder, or you lie to the Grand Jury about jaywalking, it is still lying to the Grand Jury.

    Clinton lied. He admitted he lied. He got away with it. The Dems

  6. OK, so who is Norman Baxter? His name is very familiar.

    When I worked for Gulf Oil in the reproduction department, I got a poster-size copy of a drawing of downtown similar to the style of the old phone book drawings. Although the styles were strikingly similar, I do remember that my drawing was done by a different artist.

  7. . . . from the horse meat they served. The entire chain was closed down for months but eventually reopened. I am surprised Pancho's survived that event and is still in business.
    That's just not true. There were stories about them serving horsemeat, an investigation was done, and Pancho's was totally exonerated. They even had a copy of the health report posted in the restaurants stating that. They weren't "closed down for months", either.

    It's comments like this that perpetuate the myth about Pancho's.

  8. There was a restaurant on NW Freeway (290) near where Black Eye Pea is now days... It was a pretty nice place... had these HUGE paper mache animals. The food was pretty good.
    Don't recall the animals, other than the ones like me that hung out at Clyde's Eatery just across the way from BEP. They were known for a great prime rib, and had a very neat bar crowd. It is now a Chinese buffet.

    Don't know if I or anyone mentioned Vliiage Inn Pizza on Westheimer near Chimney Rock. Dean Scott used to play there in the early 70s.

  9. I've done 90 from Lafayette to New Orleans, and that's a tremendous drive as well.

    We also did 90 from New Orleans to Biloxi many years ago.

    In the 50s and early 60s, we used to go to Georgia every other year and went on Old 90 most of the way. As soon as we crossed the Sabine, my sister and I would start looking for and counting the white crosses along the road. That was one of the most dangerous highways in America back then.
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