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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Cecilia is very likable. The interview I saw of her had her mother as well, and I fell head over heels for her mom. What a nice lady. Bofum!
  2. When the first system moved through here early Monday morning, I got about 8
  3. Looking down and seeing the deck of the aircraft carrier just below me while the plane sat still, and then three seconds later, seeing nothing but water below while the plane was doing about 160. Since I was facing backwards on the COD, I could just see the carrier behind us getting farther and farther away.
  4. I saw a personal piece on her some time back. I seem to recall that she has a special needs child. Perhaps that has something to do with it?
  5. Coog, I didn't do TM, rather Silva. My place was "The Window" at Big Bend. When I go to Garner in my mind, I can still hear "Blackland Farmer" playing at The Pavilion.
  6. Just another case of a bunch of buttheads prodding authorities into taking acting against them, then suing over the actions taken.
  7. I fondly remember the murals inside Union Station, most likely from a WPA project. Also, they had a great model train layout on one of the upper floors that was open to the public. My dad took me to see it numerous times as a kid. BTW, the items on the train were selected from the Smithsonian, or were destined to reside there after the tour.
  8. The shoes were probably Bob Lanier's. I think he wore a size 22 or something like that. They also had John Havlicek's green Converse tennies from his Celtics days. My favorite exhibit was Archie Bunker's chair.
  9. So, will the new CVS be across the street from the new Walgreens, or cattycorner from it?
  10. It's all relative, I suppose. The Kroger at Merchant's Park (11th @ Shepherd) is 1000 times nicer than the Kroger that was there previously. But then, that older Kroger was still operating in the footprint of the Henke and Pilot that was there originally. The newest renovation at least doubled the size of the store.
  11. Yes, that's it - The Barbary Coast! It was a beautiful club.
  12. My first time there, I remember seeing a couple of the niches in the wall that had a bare light bulb hanging by the wiring. Man, you just can't buy class like that! I went there last about 6 or 7 years ago on a blind date. It was a lot of fun, even if I was the only one in the place not drinking.
  13. WestU, Napoleon Square opened in the early 70s. Sections A and B in the northeast quarter opened first. I moved in with a friend in Section C while an apartment in D was completed in September of
  14. Back in the "good ol' days", when you went to Athens Bar and Grill, they would check you for weapons at the door. If they didn't find any, they issued you one!
  15. You could have another Anna Nicole Smith as your tenant.
  16. The roundabout on Kelly crossing US59 was a death trap! I hated that damned thing. The one at Gulf Freeway was bad until they put the lights in. There was and may still be one on the south end of Washburn Tunnel. I didn't mind that one for some reason. Seems like it was much larger than the others.
  17. Coog, I got on here specifically to see if someone remembered what this day was. Much appreciation for your post. However, you forgot the other thing we
  18. I used to live across the tracks (literally) from CG on 11th and Bay Oaks. Many a New Year
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