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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I heard this report today. The point was also made that the data may be flawed because certain investments were not counted as savings, like property, or even 401Ks. Not sure of the validity of the news, but it sounded plausible.
  2. Butt ugly house! Someone should burn that sucker down!
  3. Subdude, going on the roof was a very unusual event for regular workers. I worked in the Reproduction Department on the 13th floor. It was my very first day of work (September of
  4. From An Echo of Houston's Wilderness Beginnings Although the financial problems wrecked the plan, the dam became known as Shepherd's Dam and the impounded water became a popular swimming hole. The failure of his plan did not escape local ridicule, either. The 1913 J. M. Kelsen Map of Houston cleverly labeled the road to the dam as "Shepherd's Damn Road."
  5. OK, I actually lied above. At around the same time Kennedy and Cohen opened, another store called
  6. IF is a 36-hole golf course, so I could see selling off part and still having a nice course.
  7. Especially if they are undersized. They will run all the time and may never reach the desired inside temps.
  8. I was talking about cost of heating. As far as I know, gas is still the cheaper method.
  9. If you have to have electric heat, I believe a heat pump is the way to go. However, a heat pump will not heat a house in extreme cold, so an override heat system must be added. I assume gas is not available. That
  10. You'd think this guy's mug would scare the paint off walls, but he was actually a gentle giant. "Wild Bull" Curry was a famous "rassler" who I often saw at the Majestic Theater, and he always had kids hanging around him asking for autographs or just cutting up with him. And from the smile on his face, I knew he just ate it up. What a great guy. Wild Bull Curry
  11. Did you go to the Majestic? If so, do you remember the big, burly guy with one eyebrow with kids hanging all around him?
  12. I remember this guy very well, but with a slightly different slant. He didn
  13. The location I went to was on the South Loop around Mykawa. All I recall them having was furniture. I didn't know they had appliances. But I wasn't in the market for appliances, so maybe that's why I didn't notice. My couch was a brown fake fur. In a way it was kinda neat 'cause it felt good to - uh, "cuddle" on with a lady. It just didn't hold up. And it wasn't so easy to clean.
  14. I believe Westheimer Road was named for the family that owned a large section of land in that area. I thought
  15. I bought a couch from them (K&C). In fact, it was the very first new piece of furniture I ever acquired. It was pretty cheap, costwise. And the old adage proved true that you get what you pay for - it wasn't long before it fell apart.
  16. There's other types of flight than that of butterflies, like flight from the City to smaller environs.
  17. I was surprised not to fine "Guy Guy" on the list.
  18. Strawberry Patch, Circus, Pappadeaux - all the same place, and all owned by Pappas Brothers.
  19. That's fine with me, too. Ma Nature can have that whole State as far as I'm concerned.
  20. The whole argument here seems to be about health care coverage. That is not the problem. The real issue should be skyrocketing health care costs, as well as astronomical prescription costs. I heard this some time back, but I can
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