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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. The most horrible aspect of the ordeal was that there were so many bodies recovered, it was decided just to load them onto barges and dump them at sea. Days later, many of those corpses floated back onto the Galveston shoreline.

    The film of the Galveston damage was taken by the Edison film company, and was some of the first documentary footage ever shot.

  2. My great grandmother and a daughter were killed in the 1900 storm. We know that for a fact, yet they are not included in the list of victims. I am sure there are so many more who died but were not accounted for, so we will never know what the death toll really was.

    My grandfather went there after the storm to look for them, but he was commandeered into going around picking up bodies. He would have been around 18 at the time.

    "Pop" never talked of his experiences in Galveston - not to his wife, not to my father, not to anyone that we know of.

  3. I lived through the trama as I'm sure H2B did as well.
    Actually, NMG, I was not as affected as you because you and those involved (perpetrators and victims) are a few years younger than I am. In fact, I had already gone through a marriage and a stint in the Navy by the time that happened.

    I knew none of those involved other than knowing people who knew them. It wouldn

  4. It seems it is now official that Inwood Forest Golf Club/Course is now sold. The entire thing, from what I read, is going to be used for single family residences. Not sure how I feel about this but it's a lot better then a company building a bunch of crappy apartments.

    How did you hear of that, Philliper? What is your source? My GF would love to know the details, as would many of her friends.

  5. My great grandmother used to tell me that if I didnt pluck my eyebrows I would look like Bull Curry, and no little girl should look like Bull Curry. Now how was I ever going to look like Bull Curry. I was a tiny little girl with blonde hair and no eyebrows to speak of. Great grandma Ida was a hoot.
  6. Fever Tree
    I had one of their albums, possibly the last one they made. The leadoff song was Imitation Situation, and that may have been the album title as well.

    The best song on the album was the absolute very best version of "Hey, Joe" that I ever heard.

  7. bull3.jpg

    You'd think this guy's mug would scare the paint off walls, but he was actually a gentle giant.

    "Wild Bull" Curry was a famous "rassler" who I often saw at the Majestic Theater, and he always had kids hanging around him asking for autographs or just cutting up with him. And from the smile on his face, I knew he just ate it up. What a great guy.

    Wild Bull Curry

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