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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. So, any guesses as to what 2200 Main was back then? Anyone know what is there now?
  2. Yeah, Barbara is pissed - all the way to the bank!I think Barbara and Rosie deserve each other. Walters' credence disappeared, in my opinion, when she did that sob story on that murderer, Jayson Williams. You can't tell me her interview didn't affect the outcome of his trial.
  3. For one thing, Harriman is the one who brought up his connection, otherwise I never would have known. Second, I think he was pretty young when it happened, maybe in his teens, so he may not have been exposed to all the gory details at the time. Lastly, he seemed as though he enjoyed the notoriety of being connected with such a famous (infamous) case. And why not? It
  4. Good job, Filio! That had to have been one of the stranger things that I have experienced. Here I am talking about the Henley/Corll case, and the boat-shed owner was standing in front of me. When the guy walked in, Charlie introduced him as something Harriman (can
  5. Could it have been Mountain Belvieu off I-10?
  6. My mom is moving from Houston to Austin. She closes on her house next Wednesday, and we will move the next day. We will get a U-Haul truck for the move, and will store her excess furniture and other belongings in a storage unit here in Bastrop. I signed for the unit this morning. As with most business people in this town, the guy at the place was a talker. People just love to talk here. Charlie would enter something into the computer, then talk some more. As it turned out, he lived in The Heights for a good while in a rental on Dorothy near 11th. Small world. One of the stories I told Charlie was about taking a date to DePaul
  7. Wasn't that the Baytown Mountains?According to IMDB, filming for Urban Cowboy was at Gilley
  8. I agree wholeheartedly that the owners should remove graffiti or pay a fine. I think if it is your residence, you should have 10 days to remove it. If it is rental property, you should be allowed, say, a month from the time of notification. I also feel junk in yards, especially inoperable autos, should be subject to fines regarding either removal, or at least being hidden from public view by a fence. Weeds on a property may already subject to legal action, and if not, should be. Maybe you can
  9. Dead at age 71 - that's way too young. Boyle was one of my favorite commedians. He will be greatly missed.
  10. Mom is moving to Austin to be nearer her G-Grandson. My nephew lives just east of Hyde Park around Red River and 45th, so that is why she chose that area. Actually, she found a great place east of I-35. and south of 290 near or on Cameron. It was a 4-story complex that was fairly new, and the people looked very respectable. Problem was, it was a subsidized facility, and Mom made too much money to qualify. I appreciate the links, and I will give them both a look-see.
  11. My mom will be moving this way from Houston at the first of the year. She is looking for a residence that caters to Seniors
  12. Do you know where she grew up? My mom graduated in '38 from Reagan.
  13. Kim may turn out to be a hero after all. If the lesson of his ignorance is heeded by others, he may end up saving lives after all.
  14. I hate that joint! I was thrown out of the one in San Antonio for being too rowdy.
  15. There can be any number of reasons why service is bad and not be the fault of the server. However, there is absolutely no excuse for not being nice to customers.
  16. Mark, I was gonna do a search for Arizona personnel, so thanks for doing the legwork for me! I picked out a number of pairs of names that, if not unusual, are less than common names. The pairs also have the same home state, so some of these guys must have been related. It was not uncommon for brothers to serve aboard the same ship. The most famous case was that of the five Sullivan brothers (The Fighting Sullivans) who all served aboard the light cruiser, Juneau. All five of the brothers perished when a Japanese torpedo struck the Juneau near its ammunition supply room tearing apart the ship is a single, massive explosion. The brothers became heroes when word finally was released about their deaths, and in 1943, a destroyer was Christened
  17. There are still remains inside the ship, and they could have been extricated. But, a few days after the attack, the decision was made to leave the remains where they were and make a memorial out of the ship. Also, there are more remains there today than there were after December 7. Many of those who survived the attack are cremated upon death, their ashes taken to the memorial, and, in a private ceremony, the boxed ashes are placed inside the Arizona to join their comrades.
  18. In doing a search for the current construction on Hwy 71 at 304, I ran across this page on the demographics of Bastrop. The town is growing, but it still has that small town feel. Just how long that will last is anybody
  19. GF is crazy about the restaurant in Rosankey - Kincades.
  20. When I worked at Gulf Oil in '67-'68, James Coney Island was a mainstay for me. Coneys were 20
  21. I was in Pearl Harbor three times while in the Navy; two days in '71, 11 days in '70 and 6 weeks in '69. In all that time, I never made it out to the Arizona Memorial, and for that I am very regretful.
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