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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Mark, I was gonna do a search for Arizona personnel, so thanks for doing the legwork for me!

    I picked out a number of pairs of names that, if not unusual, are less than common names. The pairs also have the same home state, so some of these guys must have been related.

    It was not uncommon for brothers to serve aboard the same ship. The most famous case was that of the five Sullivan brothers (The Fighting Sullivans) who all served aboard the light cruiser, Juneau.

    All five of the brothers perished when a Japanese torpedo struck the Juneau near its ammunition supply room tearing apart the ship is a single, massive explosion. The brothers became heroes when word finally was released about their deaths, and in 1943, a destroyer was Christened

  2. Now Mark, from what I remember reading, aren't there still remains of some in the Arizona, that there is just no way to get to them ?
    There are still remains inside the ship, and they could have been extricated. But, a few days after the attack, the decision was made to leave the remains where they were and make a memorial out of the ship.

    Also, there are more remains there today than there were after December 7. Many of those who survived the attack are cremated upon death, their ashes taken to the memorial, and, in a private ceremony, the boxed ashes are placed inside the Arizona to join their comrades.

  3. Not defunct per se, but I really miss the original 1923 James Coney Island on Walker & Main. The chili is still as good in the newer locations, but the faux 'retro' design makes me vomit. The original was the best! Why oh why did it have to close?
    When I worked at Gulf Oil in '67-'68, James Coney Island was a mainstay for me. Coneys were 20
  4. I think people are too quick to label a person either because of group affiliation, or by beliefs in particular issues. The fact that I was initially for, and continue to support the war in Iraq does not mean I am a Republican. The fact that I support gay rights and reproductive rights does not make me a Democrat.

    Conversely, my being a Republican or a Democrat would not mean I would support every issue that party stood for.

    I think Cheney the man is basically a decent and honorable guy, and one who brings a great deal to the table, be it politically of in business. I have heard him his discourse on a number of issues, and I think he is a genius. I don

  5. I was quite surprised how generous many of you are when it comes to tipping barbers. So that made me wonder how generous you all are with others.

    If you take your car in to have the oil changed or get new tires, do you tip the service people? Do you tip the person who checks your groceries? When you buy clothes, do you tip if a clerk who helps you in any way?

    Just what services do you tip for?

  6. I was wondering; how many of you guys tip your barber, and how much?

    I have been searching for a barber here in Bastrop, and I think I found a winner at last. My GF was with me, and she questioned me as to how big a tip I left the barber. She chided me when I told her I left $1 for a $10 charge.

    Now, I

  7. Back in the early 70s when I was fresh out of the Navy, and broke on my butt, I survived for periods at a time by eating one meal a day at buffets. Pancho's was very cheap back then, and I ate there for lunch 7 days in a row, the last day being a Saturday. A friend offered to take me out to dinner Saturday evening, and guess where he wanted to go?

    Eight meals at Pancho's in seven days - that may be a record!

  8. BW, have you checked out Leisure Learning classes? There was a lady who gave Chinese coking classes, and there were other fares as well. Not sure what is being offered now. I always wanted to take some classes but never got a round tuit.

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