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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Hmmmm, I wonder just how many plantation owners used that same argument regarding abolition before the Civil War?
  2. Oftentimes, a thief will commit murder in the course of his crime, just as red light runners will often commit murder in the course of theirs.
  3. They are debating using these cameras in Austin now. I hope it passes as this is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
  4. There is yet another suit in the works. This one is a classless action lawsuit by sophomores from across the nation claiming Cohen stole their comedy style. Named as a co-defendant in the suit is Will Farrell, another actor claimed to have stolen the sophomoric humor style.
  5. Man, what a game! I was on the edge of my seat the entire scoreless regulation game, and then had to try to keep relatively calm for the two scoreless overtime periods. I haven
  6. Hey! There used to be a restaurant in Dallas that looked exactly like that house! What are the odds!
  7. Those are some nice pics alright, but you failed to capture the most beautiful sight in LaGrange
  8. Not according to a former Notre Dame coaching legend!Smith has to be the most ill informed governor Texas has ever had. At a banquet honoring former Kansas City Chiefs head coach Hank Stram, Smith made an attempt at a joke that left everyone scratching their heads. When Smith realized something was wrong, he turned to Stram and asked,
  9. None of the above! I voted for a write-in candidate - Preston Schmidt. I want to bring him back to the Governor's office.
  10. Is it true that Cheney invited Charlie Rangel along on the trip this year?
  11. I thought Foley was in charge of lap dances?
  12. Actually. Marvin died two years ago. What you see today is a result of great advancements in Annoymatronics
  13. This may be old news by now, but the judge in the case was forced to reduce Saddam
  14. Mark, you are a bit mistaken here. I am not near old enough to remember that William Conrad was the original Matt Dillon. In fact, I'm not even old to have listened to a single radio drama like Gunsmoke or Boston Blackie, usually on Sunday afternoons while coming back from my granddad's place in Sargent.
  15. You mean "El Pinko"? GF and I love that place! We call it El Pinko because of the color of the building which is - uh, pink, I think. I think their enchiladas verdes are the best I ever had.
  16. I have followed Barker all the way back to Beulah the Buzzer!
  17. Pretty self explanatory, isn't it? I grew up in The Heights, and I now live in Bastrop. At all the other boards I am on, I go by the name Olphart, or some variation thereof.
  18. I heard or read this many years ago, and I don
  19. GF and I were members of IFCC before moving to Bastrop. Many of our friends are still, or, in most cases, once were members of the club. Membership has declined dramatically recently, and very few new members are joining. I reckon it won't be long before Stacy will be forced to sell the place. They recently held the Women's Club Championship, and I believe only 11 ladies signed up. In the past, there were at least that many foursomes participating. That's a sure sign the place in on its last leg.
  20. Hey, rps! I used to live two doors down from a lesbian who would only use lesbian repair people. I think she still lives in the same house today.So, if I get her phone number, e-mail address, fax # and any other personal information I can, would you
  21. A woman was apprehended this evening in Conroe, and the cops believe this is the bank robber. However, she is being very uncooperative and will only admit that her name is Wanda. Until she is willing to talk, police threatened to lock her up. Her reply was, "I'm ret t'go"
  22. There was a nice restaurant/bar in the shopping center on 290 at W34th called Clyde
  23. The Humble Building! Yeah, I know it's not the best looking building downtown. In fact, I think it is somewhat of an eyesore. But, the Humble Building was such a huge deal when it was being built in the late 50s and early 60s. It was the beginning of Houston's "coming of age", with Houston taking its place among the country's most important cities. Perhaps other buildings played a similar role in their day, like the Gulf Building. But the Humble Building is within my Life experience, and that's why it is of such importance to me.
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