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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. isuredid, thanks for moving those photos. The page loads much, much faster, now. I went to Love Elementary on Shepherd and W 13th, but it is still in use. Cooley Elementary is long gone, but I do remember it well. It was at 16th and Ashland, I believe. My dad went there for a short time when they lived in the Heights. I always loved the school because the slide fire escapes looked like so much fun! Heights High served the Heights until the new high school was built at Heights and W 20th. That building became Hamilton Junior High when Reagan opened. Heights High was at 13th and Yale on the property where Milroy Park is now.
  2. "This Grandma puts-out" Hew, W20th! One of these days, you're gonna be an Olphart like me, and them Grammas will start lookin' pretty damn good to you - Carole Stewart Keeton-McClellan et.al. excluded, of course!
  3. Rick Perry, but only as the least of four evils. Strayhorn seems to wanna come across as another Ann Richards, like a "good ol' girl". She runs about ten times the number of commercials as the other three combined, but she has said nothing about what she stands for. All she does is knock Perry and talk about her old sweetheart which she eventually married. I like Bell well enough, but he has never impressed me with any leadership qualities. Kinky? Well, Kinky is for Kinky. He is in this campaign simply for the exposure, to further his fame, and to line his own pockets as a result. He is a total embarrassment to the State of Texas. If you want a clown as governor, then, by all means, vote for Kinky. At least cats will sleep better at night.
  4. Not to make light of sexual predators, and certainly not to condone pedophilia, but I have to wonder exactly which is more harmful
  5. isuredid, you posted some great photos, at least from the few I saw, and I
  6. Many of us Olpharts were around when emergency ambulance service was a private enterprise, and was done just as the wreckers do now. You would have a wreck, and numerous vehicles would show up to tote the victims off to the hospital – or “other destinations”. The solution was the current EMS service.
  7. If you are referring to the Pink Pussycat on Main, then I have no idea what you are talking about!
  8. Nationally syndicated conservative talk show host, Mike Gallagher, made a deal with the attorney for the Westboro Baptist Church. For their agreement not to protest at the funerals, the group was given an hour of free air time on Gallagher
  9. Before you throw too many stones, just make sure you don
  10. I used to like Moyers, but his bias toward the Left makes his objectivity very suspect in my mind. He is an obvious Bush-hater. It
  11. I still say the Fed should rent that building to house the post office while the existing one is razed and rebuilt. The way the Heights is growing, there is a need for a new facility. I would think the WT House branch at 18th and Bevis serves parts of the Heights, but it is not open for walk-in service.
  12. I would think that, because of its location, Brownwood would be very susceptible to storm surge should a hurricane hit on or near Galveston Bay.
  13. To be honest, I was a bit put off by the alarmist nature of the original post
  14. If I was (still) a Timbergrove resident, I would be just like everyone else everywhere else. I would want the value of the surrounding area to remain as low as possible to keep my taxes low, but want the values to soar astronomically just before I sold the property.
  15. About a week ago, an unknown person hit and killed an Amish teen, then drove away. The Amish put out the word for the hit-and-run driver to contact them so that they could forgive him. I can admire their
  16. Perhaps someone "in the business" would give us a ballpark figure on what 20 acres of prime real estate in a desirable area like Timbergrove is worth. $1 million? $10 million? More? Does anyone seriously think Timbergrove residents would pay that?
  17. According to penlive.com, members of The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, known for protesting at the funerals of servicemen killed in action in Iraq, will protest at the funerals of the Amish schoolchildren murdered by Roberts. Their reason is that Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell
  18. I grew up near this park, and I have driven by it numerous times over my 57 years there. I rarely saw anyone using the "park" for any reason at all. I believe they added a baseball backstop to a part of it, but I never saw anyone using it.As to "needing" the park for walking, it is a mere stone's throw from the park and hike and bike trail along White Oak Bayou which is not only better, but much safer to use. Don't get me wrong - I love that area, and I would hate to see it used for other purposes. But let's not get carried away with the "questionable" stastics that Website sites.
  19. Did Reynolds have a role in the alleged cover-up? I do not know him. I think what Foley did is horrible, and he should serve time if found guilty of any crime. And Hassert
  20. As a former resident of this area, I have an interest in following the progress of construction there. However, since I no longer reside there, or even in Houston, I have no
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