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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I sure love having you around H2B, it bails me out and not feeling like the oldest turd in this joint, at least you and I can sit around and remember who was the original Matt Dillon.
    Mark, you are a bit mistaken here. I am not near old enough to remember that William Conrad was the original Matt Dillon. In fact, I'm not even old to have listened to a single radio drama like Gunsmoke or Boston Blackie, usually on Sunday afternoons while coming back from my granddad's place in Sargent.
  2. GF and I were members of IFCC before moving to Bastrop. Many of our friends are still, or, in most cases, once were members of the club. Membership has declined dramatically recently, and very few new members are joining. I reckon it won't be long before Stacy will be forced to sell the place.

    They recently held the Women's Club Championship, and I believe only 11 ladies signed up. In the past, there were at least that many foursomes participating. That's a sure sign the place in on its last leg.

  3. Except rps didn't light the fire-he just reported on it. If you would like to out a consumer who chooses not to trade with a bigoted provider, start with me: I don't trade with hypocritical Republicans who tout family values while covering for child predators just so they can retain power.

    But that's just me and you have every right to blindly label any of us as a bigot when we report on bigotry.

    He didn
  4. Another agent I know forwarded an e-mail to me. It is a response a landscaper gave to an inquiry from a potential client. There are a lot of issues that could be discussed surrounding this response. People are certainly entitled to their own belief systems, but if nothing else it serves as a strong reminder for myself, to be careful of who I give my money to.

    Subject: Cancel Appt -Garden Guy

    Dear Mr. Lord,

    I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us. I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals.

    Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

    All my best,


    Todd and Sabrina Farber

    Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

    visit us at: www.garden-guy.com <http://www.garden-guy.com/>

    Member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers

    www.apld.com <http://www.apld.com/>

    Creating beautiful landscaping for Houston homeowners since 1991!

    Phone 281-208-4400

    Fax 1+801-365-9353

    email: sabrina@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('sabrina@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

    email: todd@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('todd@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

    Hey, rps! I used to live two doors down from a lesbian who would only use lesbian repair people. I think she still lives in the same house today.

    So, if I get her phone number, e-mail address, fax # and any other personal information I can, would you

  5. A woman was apprehended this evening in Conroe, and the cops believe this is the bank robber. However, she is being very uncooperative and will only admit that her name is Wanda. Until she is willing to talk, police threatened to lock her up.

    Her reply was, "I'm ret t'go"

  6. The Humble Building!

    Yeah, I know it's not the best looking building downtown. In fact, I think it is somewhat of an eyesore. But, the Humble Building was such a huge deal when it was being built in the late 50s and early 60s. It was the beginning of Houston's "coming of age", with Houston taking its place among the country's most important cities.

    Perhaps other buildings played a similar role in their day, like the Gulf Building. But the Humble Building is within my Life experience, and that's why it is of such importance to me.

  7. isuredid, thanks for moving those photos. The page loads much, much faster, now.

    I went to Love Elementary on Shepherd and W 13th, but it is still in use. Cooley Elementary is long gone, but I do remember it well. It was at 16th and Ashland, I believe. My dad went there for a short time when they lived in the Heights. I always loved the school because the slide fire escapes looked like so much fun!

    Heights High served the Heights until the new high school was built at Heights and W 20th. That building became Hamilton Junior High when Reagan opened. Heights High was at 13th and Yale on the property where Milroy Park is now.

  8. "This Grandma puts-out"

    Thank you very much for putting that picture in my head? Yuck!!!!
    Hew, W20th! One of these days, you're gonna be an Olphart like me, and them Grammas will start lookin' pretty damn good to you - Carole Stewart Keeton-McClellan et.al. excluded, of course!
  9. Rick Perry, but only as the least of four evils.

    Strayhorn seems to wanna come across as another Ann Richards, like a "good ol' girl". She runs about ten times the number of commercials as the other three combined, but she has said nothing about what she stands for. All she does is knock Perry and talk about her old sweetheart which she eventually married.

    I like Bell well enough, but he has never impressed me with any leadership qualities.

    Kinky? Well, Kinky is for Kinky. He is in this campaign simply for the exposure, to further his fame, and to line his own pockets as a result. He is a total embarrassment to the State of Texas. If you want a clown as governor, then, by all means, vote for Kinky. At least cats will sleep better at night.

  10. Many of us Olpharts were around when emergency ambulance service was a private enterprise, and was done just as the wreckers do now. You would have a wreck, and numerous vehicles would show up to tote the victims off to the hospital – or “other destinations”. The solution was the current EMS service.

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