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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. An interesting aside; the very first Texas flag (1836-1839) was the Bonnie Blue Flag which was also the very first flag of the Confederacy. If you recall, Rhett and Scarlett named their child "Bonnie Blue Butler". That being said, the origin of the Bonnie Blue goes back to 1810 in Florida.
  2. Maybe some drug concern would be interested in sponsoring Houston teams. They could be called the Ritalin Rockets, Astroglide Astros and the Tylenol Texans.
  3. You mean like all those rumors about RedScare? Well, they're all true!
  4. Numerous previous posts have referenced that web site and its stories. One post was about the drawbridge that I didn't know existed before that time. It inspired me to go and see it for myself. It's definitely worth the trip.
  5. Had the Mexican not lost Texas, things would be a lot different today - they would be crossing different rivers to get to the US.
  6. Over mt dead body!Better stated, over the dead bodies of anyone who tries to change it!
  7. I think y'all are both wrong. My answer would be a resounding "NO!!!"
  8. John H Reagan was Postmaster General of the Confederacy and even Treasury Secretary at the close of the war, so maybe his name should be expunged from the school as well. Reagan was also a distinguished politician and an appointed member and eventually chairman if the railroad commission. Maybe we should discount the positives of his life and concentrate on his service to the Confederacy. Robert E Lee was about, and will always represent the highest qualities in humankind
  9. I think the naming rights should go to whoever actually pays to construct the facility. I always thought Houston taxpayers got a raw deal in the building of the baseball stadium. When Enron paid for the naming rights, the money went into the pockets of the team owners rather than paying construction costs. That was a slap in the face of all Houstonians. Mainly for that reason, I ceased to be an Astro fan, and I refuse to go that stadium.
  10. There was a piece on the History Channel just last night about how Japan was just weeks away from testing their own nuclear device at the time of their surrender. It looked promising, but I fell asleep halfway through it.
  11. Of course you know I'm just kidding, TBird. I think you're as sharp as a tack.
  12. TBird, I'm sure Filio is much younger than you, so his memory should be much, much better.
  13. Wasn't Paul Berlin on KNUZ? He was on at least one other station, but I seem to remember him from KNUZ. Does the name Jim Wood ring a bell? I think he was one of Houston's first "shock jocks", and he got fired from KILT for singing a little ditty about "Flies between my thighs".
  14. Does anyone remember Charles Rogers who, in 1965, murdered and then butchered his grandparents (or parents) and stuck the body parts in the freezer? The couple went missing, and a search of the house turned up no clues. When police looked in the freezer, they thought someone had butchered a hog
  15. I remember the event well, but never knew the details until I read your link. I just remember a guy walked onto the school grounds and blew up a satchel killing a couple of kids. I remember thinking how easy it would have been for someone to repeat that act, but I never worried about the possibility of it happening at my school. It was a lot like
  16. I think Spike Lee is about as racist as they come, and I don't watch his stuff. However, I doubt if this movie can possibly be as bad as that crap piece Oprah aired following Katrina. I used to like her before that.
  17. Before the Pierce Elevated was built, we would go out Pierce Street to get to the Gulf Freeway. Every time we passed St. Joseph, Daddy would tell me that
  18. OK, OK, I'll confess! I'm under house arrest and can't go anywhere.
  19. Seems to me the best solution would be to keep the ferry, and link Bolivar to the Texas City Dike. The highway along the dike could be fully, mostly or partially elevated in order to allow fishing to continue. Another advantage is that if a hurricane is bearing down on High Island, Bolivar residents could evacuate through Texas City and not clog Galveston
  20. Advantages: Austin has all the standard as well as specialty stores to meet your every need. It also has some very nice restaurants. It's hilly, and that adds to its beauty. Disadvantages: It
  21. Doing the above would be indicative of actually having a life, which I don't.Actually, I quit drinking years ago, and I no desire for the
  22. Ooooo! Check out the babe 237th from the bottom, 349th from the left! Is she hot, or what?
  23. Yeah, I saw those guys standing outside the place. They looked like normal, everyday people to me. I think the real estate agent was inside waiting for them to decide on the place.
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