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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Wow! Great photos, Mark. Burl sounds like quite a fellow. And thanks for the clip of Billy Wade. That must have been right before he died. I mentioned in a previous thread that I remember Billy from Playland days, even more so than Foyt. Billy
  2. Having grown up in the Heights, I can assure you not all streets had curbs. In fact, very few did years ago as I recall. I can
  3. The mall where I shop most often is HUMONGOUS! And it all fits right atop my computer desk.
  4. Isn't that photo from the yet to be released movie, "Brokeback Mat"?
  5. While I certainly understand those who feel Andrea should pay for her crimes, it bothers me the degree of hatred expressed by some. I remember my own disgust for Darlie Routier and Susan Smith, both mothers who killed their babies. I wanted them both to pay the ultimate price for what they did, especially because of their actions after the fact. But I never reacted as strongly as some on here have. But Andrea is not like either Routier or Smith. Just looking at her, I can tell she is not all there. Her case is different, and the jury saw it the same way. I just hope this is the end of it. Andrea is where she belongs, and she will get the help she needs and deserves.
  6. My Heart goes out to this poor, tormented woman. If there is any justice in this world, Russell Yates would be taken out and hung by his gonads.
  7. Why would a guy buy a car to impress a
  8. Here is the information I have. It may be a bit confusing, but I read it to say that Germantown later became Frostown. Frostown
  9. bachanon, that is not my rationale in any sense. The reason is that, unlike the theater, the piano is yours. It has been in your family, it (I assume) has been passed down to you, and now you can do with it as you please. Martha, I was simply offering a different perspective on the River Oaks Theater situation. I actually agree with your sentiments, especially regarding schools and theaters. I was horrified when I heard Reagan was to be torn down, and blissfully relieved when I heard that was not the case. However, had it been razed, I would have been heartbroken, but it would have done nothing to diminish my memories of the old school.As to your feelings for
  10. I was very reluctant to move away from The Heights since I was born there and lived there for all but 4 of my (then) 56 years. I was raised on 14th near Beall, and lived in Timbergrove for the last 20 years in Houston. There was no direction I could go from my house that there wasn
  11. Me, I just like the feel of sand in my trunks.
  12. Yes, many times. But then, Michelle and I were members there. She had been a member for quite a few years, and I for about 4 years after we started going together. The food is OK, and some dishes are really good. But overall, I was rarely impressed.I did come close to getting thrown out of the restaurant once. They had an all-you-can-eat special on lobster one Sunday. After the 8th one, I started getting dirty looks from the new manager. I quit after the 13th. I could have eaten more, but I didn
  13. Actually, Germantown (Frostown) predated Houston.
  14. If you crossed a fairy with a cow, would you get a Dairy Fairy?
  15. Crossing the fairy could be an adventure in itself!
  16. Not so! Probably the first flight to surburbia was to The Heights which began in 1892. I believe it was Frank Sharp who developed Sharpstowm, hence the name.
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