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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I saw this recently in another topic from one of my favorite posters. Come on! Confess! You know who you are! You can get back at me someday.

    "They were really neat, but I was never allowed to have one. My parents really depraved me of a lot of fun stuff." Bold italics.. mine.

    What an idiot! I'd a called that dude out on it, T-Bird!

    There is one faux pas that I don't mind, and that is when comparing two or more items, places, etc. In fact, there is an ongoing post about "What are the big differences between Dallas, Atlanta, and Houston?".

    When comparing two things, you say the difference "between" the two. When there are three or more things, you would say the difference(s) "among" the group. However, it sounds awkward to me to use "among".

  2. I remember going to Kiddieland park some time in the early 50s. I was very small and don't remember much about it. It might have been on the Katy freeway - which was highway 90 then. I have tried searching Google, but can't find any mention of it anywhere.
    Alpha, I thought I was the only one who remembered that place! Like you, I remember very little about it as I was very young. I went there with a birthday group with a kid from school, so I had to have been at least 5 (1953). All I really remember about the place was that there was a fire truck that ran around the fenced park, and kids were riding on the top of it. It was a huge fire truck, but I was seeing through a small kid's eyes. However, I didn't get to ride it for some reason.

    I remember the place being way out Hwy 90 (I-10), and would guess it was between Bingle and, at the farthest, Gessner.

  3. There used to be a watermelon stand on Shepherd around 26th or 27th. I'm not sure, but the old tin building may still be there. If not, it hasn't been gone long. There was a fruit stand just across the street from it, also a tin building, but it has been gone for quite some time.

    Back in the 50s, they used to plug the watermelon before you bought it so you could see what you were buying. The guy would jab his knife down three times and out would come this long, this wedge about 2

  4. The tongue was a pin? Gee, nice toy for kids.
    Getting pricked by the pin added to the realism of the snake. You held it by the tail, and the way you moved the tail dictated the way the body of the snake moved. If you dipped your hand quickly, the snake would just as quickly straighten out and "strike" at the other person.

    They were really neat, but I was never allowed to have one. My parents really depraved me of a lot of fun stuff.

  5. I'll see your par 3 11th and raise you one stroke. Here is my par 4 11th at Pine Forest in Bastrop. It's the signature hole. The fairway doglegs to the left at the top of the rise. The chasm in front of the tee box drops about 40-50 feet.


    The 12th hole is a par 3, and severely downhill just like the one in your photo.

  6. Mary, if I understand you, 1904 has been razed and now being rebuilt? How about the former 1905 lot? Last time I drove by there, there were stakes indicating 3 or 4 houses were being planned for on the original lot. Has any construction begun there?

    I knew quite a few families on your block, but never really knew the ones at the circle. The only name I recall was the Krugers. As to the 1900 block, I could tell you quite a few stories about the folks there. There was even a woman who, when her husband died, married a guy younger than her own kids. She and her new husband had a kid, and the three of them were

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