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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. One thing that might help narrow it down. In the photograph there is what looks like a high-tension power line left center. On google maps you can see that there are high-tension lines adjacent to the train tracks that parallel Wayside, so it might be near those tracks.
    Are you talking about the exact location of the photo, Subdude? I don't think that is in doubt. It was taken on what is now McCarty looking south at the spot where 73 dead ends into it. Today, that spot is where I-10 crosses McCarty, so everything in the photo was replace by the overpass there now.
  2. June Allison has died at the age of 89. Not only was she one of my favorite actresses of all time, she was also the embodiment of my ideal woman. She normally played the everywoman, but she proved just how sexy the everywoman could be.

    I love you, June. Rest in Peace.

  3. I think the poll should be about how infantile the original poster is for starting this one.

    What does this have to do with politics? You have no desire to engage in a productive discussion. All you want to do is berate the Right because they are in power by slamming every one who is on the other side.

    You know, I am a Liberal at Heart. But it is the crybaby, piss and moan Left that keeps me to the Right side of the voting machine.


    (BTW, I stole the above from someone on here. Hope you don'y mind!)

  4. This is easy, all he has to do is go ahead, stay on the ballot and go get his cakewalk victory. Then we listen to Lampson cry for a couple of weeks about how Delay, SHOULD have been taken off the ballot because he resigned. Then, Delay resigns again, and a special election gets held, then the Republicans win again, and Delay is out of the picture for you guys. You girls need to have a little patience.
    TJones, where did you come up with that scenario
  5. Lastly. was it Frizell (??) that had "A whale of a deal" with a whale cartoon as a logo?
    There used to be a small plane that made flights over Houston using a loud speaker saying, "Get a whale of a deal at Frizell Pontiac."

    I believe Mike Persia became Chuck Davis, and they used the same slogan using the new name - "Buy your Chevrolet from Davis, Chuck Davis Chevrolet."

  6. Think about it: he can die in prison and leave his family penniless and humiliated. Or, he can die now and leave his family enormously wealthy.
    My thoughts exactly, Subdude.

    Another thought – does his dying in a state other than where the offences were committed affect any legal rulings?

  7. Anybody else think this could have been a well-planned suicide?

    That thought crossed my mind before, but when I read this about not being able to go after his money, it made sense that he would end his life so that his family would still have money. He may have preferred death to prison.

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