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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I used to eat at Los Tios way back when. I also ate at El Patio a lot. The food at both places was so similar that I would have sworn they were the same chain.
  2. We need to bring decency and respect back to talk radio. Where is Alvin Van Black when you really need him?
  3. If this situation would have involved a Democrat, most of y
  4. Does anyone beside myself feel that Israel
  5. So what if a poster isn't so proficent in English. Its there write two right as them sea fit!
  6. ProHouston, you are correct in your pronouncement. However, The Constitution represents all those things as well. So do the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. The Capitol Building and White House, even the Statue of Liberty can represent some or all of those things you mentioned.Because we have so many representations of our country, perhaps that is why the flag has lost some of its significance.
  7. Last time I checked, this counrty voted to approve the Bush Administration. I don't recall anyone electing the New York Times to decide national policy.
  8. First time for everything, huh, Red?
  9. Not only is the Right trying to legislate morality, they are trying to legislate tradition as well. The
  10. The truth is, the flag has lost a great deal of its importance, and reverence in this country. You can find a site on the net that lists all the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, as well as the act they performed to earn that medal. In the Civil War, most of the medals were given to persons who died carrying the flag, or who did some miraculous maneuver to retrieve the flag from a fallen flag bearer. Protecting the flag or even carrying it in battle was on the same level as falling on a grenade in WWII. Not exactly on the same plane in my mind. In fact, there were so many flag associated medals given out consideration had actually been given to revoking those medals, even though they were given nearly 150 years ago. I think that idea was abandoned. It may be a shame that we have lost the importance of the Stars and Stripes. However, I would put a heck of a lot more reverence in the Constitution than I would a piece of cloth, even if that cloth does represent America. Flag burners make me want to burn them alive. But I still acknowledge a person
  11. Phew! Good to know it's the A/C and not the Blue Bell what's porking me up! I can live without A/C.
  12. I hear that. Most Librals affect me the same way. Nmainguy, I would argue that the NYT did indeed give aid to the enemy by their revelations, both past and present. However, I agree about the leaker(s), and the government should do all that can to find out who he is, give him a fair trial, then shoot him!
  13. TJones, how dare you try to take the focus over this earth shattering
  14. That's shocking! I bet the Dow Jones drops 300 points because of that.
  15. You mean like "cut-and-run", the one-liner made famous by Kerry? I hope to shout, we are fighting about oil. We are fighting to keep so much of the world's oil reserves out of the hands of terrorists.
  16. I know just how TJones feels. We found a little seafood joint near Inwood Forest called Cajun Town Cafe that was out of this world. The food is wonderful, and the prices most reasonable. It was so good that I wanted to tell the world about it, but had second thoughts after waiting in line a few times. However, now that we are gone, I can spread the word about it. If you are anywhere near Little York and Bingle, give this place a try. I recommend the grilled redfish with the #4 sauce.
  17. Sounds like the Dems are grasping at straws to spin Casey
  18. The circle photo remended me of this one:
  19. Subdude, it was neat seeing it come down. However, since the crowd had to be a couple of blocks away, there wasn't a totally unobstructed view to be had. I could see the top of the building, and about a third of the side facing me. Still it was an awsome sight.
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