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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. My guess is that, as was suggested, the oval was a planned park that was never built. Just because it appears on maps from multiple years means nothing. When new maps are made up, most of the existing streets are drawn in as they appeared on earlier maps. Case in point is my old neighborhood.

    I grew up on w 14th A few houses east of Beall, which came to an end at 14th. The street to the south of 14th is Wynnwood. Although Beall does not extend to Wynnwood, all the maps from the 50s on showed it as doing so. It would not surprise me to find a map today that still shows that error.

  2. Jitney.jpg

    Is that what I think it is? Is that a Jitney? If so, it is the least colorful one I have ever seen!

    I spent 6 months off and on in the Philippines. Or should I say "in and out"? My ship was based in Subic Bay while it was on Wespac. The town there was Olongapo. It was said of Olongapo that if they ever wanted to give the world an enema, the syringe would go in Olongapo. I was not going to argue with that.

    The only time I saw any other part of the Philippines was en route to Manila on my way back to the States. The countryside was beautiful. I wish I had taken the time to see more of the area.

  3. For some of their sold-out championship games, they allowed fans in front of the fences in the outfield behind ropes.
    That was normal for major league games for quite a few years. Naturally, that gave a whole different definition to
  4. A couple of things to consider:

    Some photos, like a downtown skyline, could be cropped to exclude extraneous portions, thus reducing the size.

    Also, something even more annoying than download time is physical size. If the photo is twice the with of the viewable screen size, you have to scroll back and forth to read all the posts on the page. BTW, this also applies to links where the page location is used as the link name, which can be quite lengthy.

  5. Some of us are still using antiquated dial-up service for various reasons. I am too far away from an SBC hub to receive DSL. That means it takes forever for pages packed with pictures and other attachments to load.

    What I don't understand is, when a poster wants to show a number of photos, why don't they provide a link to the hosting site rather including them on their post. Furthermore, it baffles me why people feel the need to include in their reply pictures that appear just above their reply. That just clutters up the thread.

    On the post,

  6. Filio, do you remember Pidge Brownie? He was one of the more popular Buffs, but I don't remember if it was for his abilities or his catchy name.

    One of my fondest memories is seeing Enos "Country" Slaughter hit a home run. He had a dual role as both player and manager.

  7. The American flag represents everything America is, freedom, diversity, opportunity, our armed forces, our children, our entrepreneurs, I could go on. I think you're forgetting that the American flag represents all these things.
    ProHouston, you are correct in your pronouncement. However, The Constitution represents all those things as well. So do the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. The Capitol Building and White House, even the Statue of Liberty can represent some or all of those things you mentioned.

    Because we have so many representations of our country, perhaps that is why the flag has lost some of its significance.

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