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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I have been trying to make that point for some time, Niche. Saddam did everything but send an engraved invitation to the coalition to attack him. While we possibly could have taken alternative actions, I think the one we took was the correct one. That was the popular view of the country at the time, as I recall. And it was the majority view of Congress. In fact, some Dems were so convinced were should be there that Mr. Flip-Flop Kerry even campaigned on the demand that Bush not pull out of Iraq before the job was finished. In fact, he even expressed that Bush was going to (are you ready for this?)
  2. What is your source for this claim? Or is it just your opinion?
  3. That's a contradictory statement. You say no weapons were found, then that pre-1991 weapons were found. Which is it?And what does age have to do with anything? They are what they are. If you have two weapons - one filled with very low-grade uranium and one with high-grade uranium - they are both nuclear weapons, are they not?
  4. It's ironic, isn't it, that our personal information is so accessible, yet the government can't keep track of who is in the country illegally.
  5. Coca-Cola owns Delaware Punch, and the concentrate is available for purchase.
  6. In 1985, I was on my way back from a business trip to Randolph Field. Just before I got back on I-10, I stopped at a grocery/gas station to get something to drink for the trip back. To my amazement, and profound pleasure, there in the soft drink case was Hires Root Beer, one of my all time favorite beverages. I hadn
  7. Whatever action we take in N Korea, we need to stay the course and accomplish what we set out to do and not flip-flop and cut-and-run like many of the Dems want to do.
  8. In 1945, President Truman considered inviting the Russians to the US to witness the test firing of the atomic bomb. One reason for doing so was to send them a message about the might of the US. The idea was scrapped on the possibility that the test would be a failure. We could act to shoot down the missile when and if they decide to fire it. But, what happens if we miss? That
  9. When this story first broke, I heard that the list was of veterans discharged aftewr 1976. My discharge was in '73, so I wasn't concerned for my own security. If that is the case, I wouldn't expect to hear from them, and I hope I don't!
  10. There was a Steak N Shake on Telephone just south of Belfort. All you got was a tasteless meat patty and a bun. Everything else cost extra. Worst burger since The Whaler in New London Connecticut.
  11. Inwood Forest flooded yet again this week. My girlfriend talked to a number of her friends there. Most were lucky, but a few, especially on Vogle Creek, got a couple of inches inside their houses. Michelle lived on Leaning Oak and Victory since
  12. Not that the Democrats would ever do that! I have heard it suggested that the countries of origin of these weapons were - well, I don't remember two of them, but the third mentioned was France. It was also suggested that is why Bush didn't want to make an issue of them, because it might upset an already fragile alliance. One of the other sources might have been Russia, but I am not sure of that.
  13. The current one, but not sure the exact age. There has been much mention of it recently, and I believe the evidence of the connection was found in the safe-house where al-Zarqawi was killed. My only source of information is from cable news - FOX, CNN and MSNBC. When I hear a report, I make a judgment on the validity, and then I form an opinion. However, I can
  14. FOX Story - hot off the press! The weapons found were pre-Gulf War and contained both mustard and serrin gas. According to a couple of former weapons inspectors (Hannity and Colmes), the mustard gas is probably not harmful, probably having turned to jelly. However, the serrin gas would still be lethal. The argument from the Left, I am sure, will be that these WMDs are not what we went to war over. I would beg to differ. The US and the then coalition knew about these weapons, and, under the agreement with Saddam after the Gulf War, these WMDs were to have been destroyed, but we never had proof that they were destroyed. It doesn
  15. I think someone here is a recent graduate of Joey Buttafuco
  16. I don't blame anyone for being skeptical. There is still much to be explained. And while I have faith in the story, I want to see more proof of what was claimed. I agree, W20th
  17. WMDs!!! Over 500 WMDs were found in Iraq according to newly released documents. They were discovered last April, and consist of filled as well as previously filled shelled containing serrin gas and mustard gas. There is also evidence of other WMDs that have yet to be found. It seems the Bush administration has known this information for months, but they chose not to release the information for whatever reasons. Rick Santorum and another congressman have been fighting for the release of the documents, and the declassification pertains to only a portion of the documents on the WMDs. More are expected to be released later. This was just reported on FOX in a news conference by Santorum, so it is still a developing story.
  18. I doubt any one monument could represent what Houston is about. Besides, how can you express in form the Spirit within Houstonians, which is really what Houston is all about.
  19. Hey, I am the one who was on a WWII sardine can! And it sank while I was on it - quite a few times, in fact. Luckily, it came back up each time! I was on the USS Rock (AGSS 274), launched in June of '43, and the USS Diodon (SS 349) launched in September of 1945, too late for WWII participation.
  20. Subdude, you asked why Main Street Loop Road could be abandoned. I think I understand now why that was. If you look closely at that 1935 map, you will see that OST to Main is under construction at that time. If you look at this 1921 map at the extreme lower right, you will see that Main Street basically ends where it turns west to become Bellaire (now Holcomb). Now, if you remove OST and Main south of Bellaire from the 1935 map, you can see that to go to Richmond, you would go out Main, make the jog to Old Main, and at the fork in the road, you would go left to Almeda and to Freeport, or take the right fork to Richmond. After OST was completed and Main extended, Main Street Loop Road was no longer needed as a thoroughfare. If there were businesses along that stretch, they would have most likely moved to the new, more traveled streets.
  21. Subdude, if I understand you, you are talking about Old Main Street Loop which, according to a 2003 Key Mqp, begins at the S Loop, crosses Buffalo Speedway and then W Belfort and merges with S Main just after it crosses Willowbend. If you were to extend that street to the northeast, it would run right through the center of Reliant Stadium as well as Reliant Center. The map I used was from the TexasFreeway.com Web site. Below if the link for the site. TexasFreeway.Com
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