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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I met David on two or three occasions, and he always gave me the impression that he was quite a warm, caring person. DJ V, Michelle read your responses, and she was quite touched by your words.
  2. David Holmquist, principal of Alief Hastings High school died earlier this week. I know some of you attended Hastings. My girlfriend retired from there recently and was very close to David. He will be missed my many.
  3. Seeing them was about all you could do back then. Most of the concerts were so loud from screaming fans that you couldn't hear the music. My first "concert" was seeing Cab Calloway and the Everly Brothers at the 1956 Houston Auto Show. My other concerts include The Byrds, the Ariplane, and Eric Burdon twice, once with Animals, once with War (I think). I attended the Black Oak Arkansas/Grand Funk concert, but it was so damned loud that I couldn't even tell what songs they were playing. It suk'd.
  4. Delmar opened for the 1960 football season. The first time I saw it was at the Reagan-Waltrip game that year. The grass had yet to fully grow, and the field was a quagmire after recent heavy rains. However, that didn
  5. I can't believe I forgot about AAA Restaurant on Airline at Farmer's Market. It was also called
  6. I agree - it doesn't look "organic" enough for Austin.
  7. I saw Black Oak Arkansas and Grand Funk at the Sam Houston Coliseum in the early 70s. I am certain that my deafness is directly attributable to that concert!
  8. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! You are wrong there. He is a martyr. He died for the cause, and now he is martyring around with all his virgins!What these guys need is more martyrs. So, why wait? Step right up, all you terrorists, and you can become an instant martyr courtesy of the US military. Just set up an appointment before noon, give us your name and address, and before the end of the day, you will be frolicking with forty, first-time-fornicating females. Virgins standing by, so call now! Pssst, nmainguy, I
  9. That was not rejoicing. That was a curse!Terrorist activity may well increase in frequency and severity, especially by Zarqawi wannabes. However, no one on the horizon can replace Zarqawi for recruitment and coordination ability, and in the long run, I think the activity will wane.
  10. I'd head out for some place safe - like New Orleans! BTW, duct tape doesn't prevent glass from breaking, but it is supposed to keep broken windows from shattering and having shards fly all around the house.
  11. Durn it! Where's my Ram doll??? Go Bulldogs!!!
  12. I think he knew I was being facetious, Trophy. At least I hope he did!
  13. This is one of my favorite movie quotes ever. It is from The American President and spoken by Michael Douglas as President Andrew Shepherd. You can be against something or someone you disagree with, or are even disgusted by their actions, yet still acknowledge a person
  14. Jeb Bush was born in Texas, wasn't he? How about Tom Delay? Ken Lay???
  15. You really know how to tease a guy. I thought this was gonna be about chicken - and food!
  16. Nmainguy, in the days when the US had a draft, there were any number of deferments for any number of reasons. Flat feet would keep you out of the draft as would bad eyesight. If you were in college, you would be deferred until graduation, which resulted in some
  17. I guess you could call it a "typical right-wing deflection" to a
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