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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I think Moore must have been a WAC, because the guy is really WAC-O!
  2. Back in the late 70s and early 80s (oil boom days), there used to be a number of flower sellers at many of the bars and clubs around Houston. The news reports back then connected many of these vendors to religious
  3. So, just exactly what is your point? Or is there one? Perhaps there is no point, rather just another biased slam against Bush and the Republicans. If, as you claim, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld sent
  4. What I have noticed is that the Democratic Party is suffering from self-inflicted impotency, but that doesn
  5. Since so many Democrats also voted to invade Iraq, I assume you are referring to them as well. SO, why aren
  6. I'm curious as to just how many who post here have served in the military.
  7. I have the feeling that General Clinton and Major Kennedy had something to do with compiling this list.
  8. We usually buy a 2-pack of pork butts at Sam's. I cut off the big chunks of each butt to cube for green chili stew. Rather than cut the meat off the bone, which is not the easiest thing to do, I freeze the bone portion to cook as a small roast. Yesterday, I smoked one of those roasts plus a rack of BBB Ribs. That was some good eatin'! We will have the leftovers today.
  9. While I do believe there is a battle between Religion and Science, I believe the focus should be on the battle between Religion and Government. In the past, Religion was the law, and that meant Religion was about power. Uncountable horrible acts have been done in the name of Religion over the centuries in order to gain or retain power. While not as horrendous as in the past, there is still the tendency to base certain law on religion. Gay marriage, abortion and, of course, prayer in schools are prime examples. I find it ironic, and greatly hypocritical of the Catholic Church that it perceives it is under attack today by
  10. This morning I was watching KVUE, the Austin ABC affiliate, doing the local news, when who do you think came on? Talk about weird. But then, his name is synonymous with weird! It was a segment of Walton's World about the Houston Zoo! I did a search in fear that I would find he was now in Austin, but, to my great relief, I see he is still with Ch11. I guess KVUE bought the segment from KHOU.
  11. It strange to go to a different city and see a TV reporter who you remember from Houston. In Austin, Olga Campos, Jim Bergamo and James Irby are among those I remember from Houston stations.
  12. You can photograph some "orbs" down at Gold Cup, but you have to pay extra for that privilege.
  13. I bet if he changed it to Ken Starr, he could just fade into obscurity!
  14. You mean we could have ended up with OJ??? Thanks for that info, Red.
  15. I wonder where Lay has declared his residency? I have a feeling it may be Florida. Florida law allows people like Lay and OJ to protect vast sums of money from creditors and legal action by making Florida their legal residence. It seems like I heard that Lay bought a house there a while back. If that is the case, I would bet Lay has millions socked away there.
  16. OK, you got me. I do have an ulterior motive for disliking Marvin
  17. I have mentioned this before on here . . . I think they should erect a statue to Lay for all the great things he has done for Houston. And, right beside the statue, they should erect a gallows on which to hang him on! Skilling can join him there. Skilling Fraud - GUILTY! Conspiracy - GUILTY! Lay Conspiracy - GUILTY! (more to come) Lay guilty on ALL counts!!! Also!!! Lay has been found guilty of bank fraud in his other trial! It just ain't Ken's day, is it?
  18. The verdict will be announced at 11am, Houston time.
  19. Actually, the overpass at the entrance to Bergstrom has been there for quite a while. You have to exit the highway, then go under the highway at the light. There is not an exit ramp that takes you right into the airport. They are working on Ben White east of I-35, and they are about to open the next leg. Going eastbound, you can go past 35 before having to exit onto the feeder. Westbound, the worst intersection is 71 at Burleson. There is always a long backup trying to get through that light. I often exit at Montopolis to go to the VA. I
  20. Work began Monday on Hwy 71 at 304 on the west side of Bastrop. Last year, the freeway was completed over the intersections of Childers and Hassler. This new segment will go over Hwy 304, the Home Depot entrance and Hwy 969 (and probably Hwy 20). Work will also commence on 71 east of the Colorado with overpasses at Hwy 21 and Tahitian Drive/Loop 150. However, I am not sure when that work will begin. If you travel Hwy 71 much, you will understand how much this work was needed, and is appreciated.
  21. Is Joe Roach still around? I always thought he would be a good mayor. I also liked Parker. But, Houston's mayor is no longer a concern since moving to Big B.
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