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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Does his revenge differ from Montezuma
  2. You might say that the San Jacinto Monument is the gravestone for many of the Mexicans who died in the battle. Fact is, the Texans did not bother to bury the enemy dead, and most of them simply rotted in the field where they died, or else various animals feasted on and carried away the corpses. The woman who owned the battleground property petitioned the new government repeatedly to
  3. I was still typing when you posted that bit of information. I had not heard that before about the text messaging. There have been comments made, like that she was having trouble raising funds to go to the national pageant, but no speculation as to if that was a factor. Mostly it is just a gut feeling I have from listening to all the reports. Mainly, I can
  4. This story has been on the Austin news stations for two days now. There is something to this story that is either not known for sure or is not being reported. I have a strong suspicion this was not an accident, bit I do not think there was foul play involved.
  5. Naturally, that came from the History Channel, Red.
  6. Actually, the Hitler and the Nazis were quite the environmentalists. They were the first to associate smoking and asbestos with cancer. In fact, smoking was verboten among many factions of the party, and it nearly became illegal throughout the country.Of course, those whose health they were concerned for was ethnic based, to say the least.
  7. The History Channel had a great show on The Little Ice Age that lasted from around 1550 to about 1850. It should be proof of climatic changes that Man had nothing to do with. I
  8. I moved to Bastrop on 9/11 of last year, and to date I have not gotten an accumulative total of 1
  9. I would trust the Bush administration before I would trust the Libral Lunkheads to come up with a halfway decent idea, or candidate, and I don
  10. T-Bird, I have that map in my files as well as others. Did you notice that OST was then under construction? If you want some neat maps, check out, the Perry-Casta
  11. You are right, T-Bird, it was Dentler. Wasn't there a sanatorium on Shepherd just south of Allen Parkway? There may have been another on the east side of I-45 just north of I-10, and the building may still be there.
  12. At the top of the photo is where OST runs into S Main. The road that goes off to the left from Holcombe is Fannin. About halfway between Holcombe and the left edge of the photo is Pier 21. I was thinking about the restaurant just the other day. The
  13. The reason Rice is not going after the George W Bush Presidential Library is that they are holding out in hopes of getting the Jeb Bush Library after his terms are up. Jeb is a Texan, after all, so his presidential library should be in this state.
  14. IF has a neighborhood association, and they have a COP program as well. Not sure if that was what you were asking. In all the years GF lived in Inwood, she never once had a break-in, nor any vandalism whatsoever, and she was on the fringe being on Victory. For the 3 years I lived with her, I only know of one incident that happened on her street, and it was just some kid stuff.
  15. I loved it when Wayne Brady went back to his chair and got into a fetal position.
  16. My girlfriend bought a house on Leaning Oak and Victory in '82 for $82K. She sold it last October for $105K. That's not much of a profit compared to other areas. You can get some great bargains in Inwood, but don't expect to make much on the resale. Besides, flooding will always be an issue throughout that area.
  17. T-Bird, what is the date of that photo? The triangle front center is where Texas Children
  18. I remember when Dan Patrick first became a sportscaster for Channel 11. I thought he was the biggest weenie I had ever seen on local TV. Although I have not followed his career, and do not know his politics, he really impressed me with by being one of the few voices of reason regarding the then proposed baseball stadium. Few voiced opposition to the stadium, and most of the many who were for it stood to gain from it in one way or another. Therefore, there was no
  19. Wasn't Art Wren's Silver Dollar a beatnik place? Uh, maybe not.
  20. This thread reminds me of "My Cousin Vinnie" and the red mud. "You got mud in your tires!"
  21. It was the times, Coog. We're talking Mid (pun intended) to late 60's, and things were very different then. I worked at Gulf Oil downtown ('68) and really liked a girl there. But, she was still married, and even though she had filed for divorce and was living at home with her parents, we would have been shunned for going out together. And we're talking Houston and not some small town. However, things really changed quickly after that. I think it was because "The Pill" became readily available. By '71 when I got out of the Navy, things were wide open, especially as to "sexual freedom". And man, did I love that!
  22. Yeah, I saw that, too, as did most of the country. Much like the days after 9/11, most Americans were glued to their TV sets from Friday evening (day of shooting) 'til Monday, the day he was buried.
  23. I rode the Trailblazer in 1957, but didn't realize it until this was discussed in another topic last year. I recall seeing this monorail as a kid heading out South Main. I thought it was at where Main made a turn where Holmes intersects. But it appears Arrowhead was located near Holcomb. What I didn
  24. I went to hear Kennedy speak at Rice Stadium. We got out of school for the day if we were going to see him. I was at Hamilton JH at lunch when a friend's mom drove up and told us the news that he had been shot. After lunch when everyone was back in class, our principal, JD Oaks came on the PA system and told everyone the news. He led off with a speech about Life in general and about bad things happening. When he finally said that the president had been shot, he was in tears and his voice was cracking. That affected me more than the actual news of the shooting.
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