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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I said what I meant, and I meant what I said. Rather than question my meaning, you chose to attack (yes, attack) me on what you thought I meant. But, I don
  2. No. nmainguy, I know I am going to sound perjudicial here, but I don't really care. It has been my experience that Liberals tend to attack the other side no matter what they say, while at the same time offer nothing of a construstive nature to the discussion. Thanks for upholding my beliefs.
  3. I thought the model Ford was gonna debut was the Canyonero? Then again, maybe I was misinformed.
  4. No, we aren't. But then, I can only speak for myself.
  5. I have not seen this movie, nor will I ever. Just not my cup of tea. I have heard a great deal of praise about the movie, but no one has said exactly what makes it so great. I know it won a Golden Globe, but I have my suspicions about that. Given the nature of many of the GG winners this year, I can
  6. 2005 will always, and fondly, be remembered as the year I escaped from Houston and fled to Bastrop.
  7. We found a Sears House outside Bastrop off Hwy 21 and 1441. It was relocated from Hyde Park in Austin. I don
  8. When Verna Lee Booker married Ted Hightower (date unknown), she began to train and ride more regularly. She devoted most of her time to and excelled at barrel racing. In 1949 the Hightowers purchased their first home which was located near the Diamond L Ranch, a rodeo arena on South Main in Houston. The arena, built by Black cowboy J. L. Sweeney, served as a venue where African-American cowboys and cowgirls came to compete. Verna Hightower gained early exposure and success in competitions at the Diamond L Ranch rodeos. She competed on the national level on the Black rodeo circuit in Okmulgee and Henrietta, Oklahoma, and Simonton and Pasadena, Texas, where she was very successful. Soon she became the “poster girl” for area rodeos.
  9. Austin is supposed to be very laid back, but maybe that is because you
  10. Way to go Asstros. You managed to blow it again. Oh, well, not that I expected anything less.
  11. I had not heard this, but I had the feeling that might have been at least a part of the reason. I never knew Dave, but I remember Ben and Herman from the early 50s. I knew Martin, although not that well. But I knew he was getting up near the age where he might want to retire. I hate to see Kaplan
  12. My first real date was to the Cinerama to see How The West Was Won. I "doubled" with my sister and her boyfriend. I was in junior high at the time.
  13. I just heard from my mom this morning that Kaplan's is closing its doors next month. If you are familiar with this store, if, like me, you frequented this wonderful store since the time you were a kid, and if you knew the Kaplan family over the years, then maybe you can understand how really sad this news was to me. I suppose it is tough for a specialty store like Kaplan's to compete with Internet buying. I guess this closing was inevitable. But it is like losing a member of the family for me.
  14. We did lose a mayor over it, and we gained "Tootsie" in the process. Kathy beat out Louie in the election.
  15. Suffice to say, Houston has come a long way from the "Shoot the Queers" days.
  16. Nice link, Rehan. It evokes fond memories of many trips to Georgia in the 50s and 60s. The white crosses through Louisiana weren't exactly "fond", but they are very vivid memories to say the least.
  17. In every job I have had in the past 20 or so years, even as an independant contractor, I have had to show my Social Security card. Not everyone does it, I am sure, but I think it may be required by law.
  18. 'Tis often best to let others think you an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  19. What makes you think I am a Conservative? Just because I don't care for bleeding heart Liberals? I don't care for right wingers, either. If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off. But, if you are gay, I'll also stand beside you to demand your equal rights. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and I try my best to know the difference.
  20. They cost $44 at Academy. So, what's your point?
  21. You don't have to arrest the illegals to fix the problem. Just arrest those who hire them. When illegals are no longer being hired, either they will leave or go through proper channels to come into the country.
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