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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. If you bleeding heart Liberals are so in favor of illegal aliens being here, then why don't we just throw open the borders and let anybody in that wants in?
  2. As I (kinda) said earlier, it looks like the New Orleans Gestapo is back to normal.
  3. I don't understand how anyone could defend or even question the actions of those cops. "Maybe the cop was having a bad day? Maybe the cop was doing his job and the suspect called him a name. " You're kidding, right?
  4. The link I provided has the video of the event. But, the fact that the cops have already been fired ought to tell you something.
  5. How do you think the drunk felt?It was bad enough those thug cops beat up on the guy, but it was the way they tried to supress the Free Press that bothered me the most. They should be thrown in jail!
  6. Police charged with battery in New Orleans "New" New Orleans? Nope, sounds like it's the same ol' city to me.
  7. I worked for Gulf for a year from '67-'68. The very first day on the job, there were bad storms in Houston and reports of tornados. Some of us from the reproduction department went up on the roof to check it out, so I got to see the sign up close. It was pretty neat, but what struck me was the bad smell on the roof. I looked around and noticed numerous dead birds. The only thing I could figure is that they died from flying into the sign.
  8. Yeah, check it out, T-Bird. You won't be disappointed. There is the one on Richmond just inside the Loop, and another on Dairy Ashford just south of I-10. Those pork chpos are so tender you can cut 'em with a fork!
  9. To get on the Larry Kane Show, I had to take dancing from a guy named Jerry Roe (I think) at Bill Mraz Ballroom on W 34th. Well, that's the way it was supposed to work. I quit taking the lessons before I got to go on the show.
  10. I think they rotate the headliners.
  11. However New Orleans is rebuilt, I think it should be accomplished completely by the private sector and not with government dollars. If the PS wants to rebuild a city below sea level, then let them. I just don
  12. Last interview I saw, probably last year (50th anniversary), Lewis was still being asked about that play.
  13. Arch Yancy was another at KNUZ.
  14. I'm trying to remember where I heard them, and I believe it was Steak and Ale in SW Houston.
  15. Was Broiler Burger a chain? There used to be a couple of Britton's(?) Broiler Burgers, one in Merchant's Park at 11th and Shepherd, and another in Bellaier that later became Bellaire Broiler Burger.
  16. Atomic, my performance was in 1958, a bit before your time. In the early 70s, I wasn
  17. I remember them being three-dimensional figures, and they were kneeling, one on either side of the fire. They were not on top of the building, rather on the overhand of the entrance. I believe they were on the Fannin Street side, so you wouldn't necessarily see them from Main.
  18. I came home on leave in 1970, and my mom gave me a couple of Oilers
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