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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Refugee - One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution. An individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion) Evacuee - A person evacuated from a dangerous area.
  2. Despite having better facilities at the latter, if the Sugar Bowl comes to Houston, it would be fitting to hold the event in the Astrodome rather than Reliant Stadium.
  3. It appears to me that the Federal system is designed to where suggestions must go from the bottom up, and approval must come from the top down. The ideal system is to have personnel in place that you trust to act on their own, and with scrutiny from those immediately above. Because they are so interrelated, is does make sense that FEMA should be a part of Homeland Security. Maybe Bush just has the wrong people in place, or maybe he needs to put more trust in their abilities and let them do their job as they see fit. Maybe there should be more overseeing of those below rather than direction from above.
  4. I think she is going to be in Mississippi tomorrow. Did I hear right? Did Oprah introduce Ling as an "International Correspondent"?
  5. Coog, conditions inside the Superdome are said to be beyond belief. It is the City of NO who is considering razing it.
  6. I changed my mind. Knowing what I now know about what went on inside the Superdome, it should be blown up as soon as possible, and with the thugs inside it that did so much carnage at the site.
  7. Who are the Dixie Chicks? Are they that French group?
  8. I cried with the cops, but I was OK after that - that is until the cowboy. He started me crying all over again.
  9. My personal opinion is that Bush is guilty of listening to and relying too much on his Homeland Director, Chertoff, who should be taken out back of the White House and summarily shot! Why Bush didn
  10. I watched her show. The first few minutes had me in tears. The segment with the police really tore my Heart out. Showing the dead bodies was very disturbing, but very necessary. Lisa The Airhead Ling was a joke. Some of the guests seemed a bit self-serving (McConaughey). Others did a great job of showing the reality and scope of the disaster. The most startling part was the stories of those trapped at the Superdome and Convention Center, not because of their hunger and thirst, but the horror stories of the armed thugs that terrorized the evacuees, both Black and White alike. The killing and beating and raping of the people was apparently very widespread. The part with Mayor Naggin
  11. I beg to differ. The relevance is that Jackson and Naggin
  12. My comment was about the hypocrisy of people like Jackson who use racism to decry racism. I think that is very relevant to a thread about a creep like West and his racist comments. The comment was also in reference to Jackson taking his mistress to the White House when giving Clinton
  13. The best bread pudding I ever had was at The Captain
  14. No one is saying Bush and FEMA are blameless, but why should he get all the blame as Mayor Naggin' and Gov. Blank-o and Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus and so many others want you to believe? BTW, didn't Jesse once have a job as Clinton's moral advisor, or something like that?
  15. Just a few days after the storm, a couple of the bars opened in the Quarter, and a few people were shown partying outside. I thought that was a bit crass given the fact that the Superdome and Convention Center had yet to be evacuated. The media was stupid for showing that. I realize that drinking is a large part of the attraction of New Orleans (that
  16. You mean you would pass up a private stateroom on a ship with at least one pool, dining facilities and other amenities for a cot on the floor surrounded by thousands of people?You
  17. It will run live at the 4pm timeslot. It was preplayed at 9 this morning.
  18. This morning they said on the news that the people destined for the cruise ships were those needing medical attention, but not serious ones. Since a quite a few in the Dome have found decent housing, the ones that were going to Galveston decided to hold out for a better offer. I know these people have been through a lot recently, but they have to realize they can
  19. There were a number of people who lived in renovated mansions in parts of the city. They would be the ones who would have the inclination and the means to move to The Heights.
  20. To quote Groucho, "That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard!"And that's about the nicest thing I can say about that statement.
  21. Results of the implementation of the New Orleans Relief Plan.
  22. I disagree. The program was a fundraiser; not a political platform. I think the producers probably let the participants know that. It was the producers venue, not Kanye's. He has the right to his opinions, and he has the right to air them, but at the right time and place. That show was neither.
  23. Over all, I thought the article was pretty positive about Houston. I think the important thing is this; if I were head of a company considering relocating, would this article sway me to move to Houston? I think so. What do you think?
  24. I'm gonna be out of town that day, so I hope someone will let me know when it will air. Huh? Today??? Durn, I guess I better start packing!
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