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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. The more information that is made known about the events of the storm, the more it becomes clear of why the problems occurred as they did. Of course, it
  2. I don't care if they would be able to save me or not, I ain't giving up my Blue Bell!
  3. I have had mixed feelings about the Astrodome, especially about what to do with it. I have never really liked it, but I knew it was necessary if we were going to have major league sports in Houston. I wouldn
  4. There will be a curfew in effect after (I think) 10pm when they will close the gates. People found wandering the streets drunk will be arrested.
  5. "Help is the key word there. Everyone seems to assume the Feds are supposed to do it all. But their job is to help.
  6. I thought of what I consider a good idea for individuals and businesses to share in the cost of relief supplies. People could go into participating stores and purchase agreed upon items, then the people could take the items as well as the receipt to the shelters. The shelters, in turn, would have an official stamp or other method to mark the receipt. The person would return to the store with the receipt and receive a rebate. The people would be paying for the items, but would end up paying a discounted price.
  7. It was on the local news. I am watching the golf tournament, so it musta been on Ch 13.
  8. That's a tacky thing to say under the circumstances.I'm also piffed that you beat me to the punch in posting it!
  9. It seems the folks in the Astrodome are free to come and go as they please. A problem they are having is that people are going out and getting drunk, then returning to the Dome at 10 or 11 at night and disturbing others keeping them from sleeping. I know you can
  10. RedScare, I meant what I said; I just said it very badly. And I can certainly see why what I said was objectionable and even offensive to some. I should have thought out my words more carefully. My apologies. I have edited my post there. My point was that some volunteer just because everyone else is doing it, or because, not for a
  11. My compliments to the editor for a voice of reason among many partisan voices.
  12. My nephew and his girlfriend came in from Austin to volunteer this weekend. They asked me where they should go. I told them that if they really wanted to help out, they should just go home. Go home now and come back in about a month when they are really needed. They ended up at Brown Convention Center, and, sure enough, people were literally tripping over one another. There was a definite lack of organization there, but that is only natural. I am sure it won
  13. Kanye made the statement, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." I don
  14. I am sure the producers knew something like that was bound to happen. My guess is that they didn
  15. Your point is not valid, and your sarcasm is not warranted, nor is it appreciated. If you want to argue the point, fine. But no need to get personal. Indianola was a very promising town and seaport. It was so highly thought of that the residents decided to rebuild it. After the second storm, they realized the vulnerability of the location, and thus moved the seat to Port Lavaca. Galveston was intended as a center of commerce because of its natural features as a port. I can only assume that feature overcame the concerns for its safety from storms. When the 1900 storm hit, they raised the island and all its buildings by as much as 11 feet, and built a seawall in the process. They took measures to alleviate the problem, and so far they have been successful. The only reason New Orleans came into existence in the first place is that it was the highest point of land that was the closest to the mouth of the Mississippi. The spot chosen for the site is, of course, what is now the French Quarter. But the intent of the site was for defensive purposes rather than economic. New Orleans was little more than and island fort in the middle of a swamp. New Orleans has taken measures as well, but they have not raised the level of the city, which is the only way to prevent what happened with Katrina. Unless they raise the city now, they may never have another chance. And if they don
  16. I see nothing but good reports from the National news about what Texas is doing for the evacuees. If there are negative stories coming out, they usually come from those at the Dome complaining about what happened before they reached Texas. But other that the one woman caught on camera from inside the Dome complaining that her fresh food was not hot enough, I have seen no complaints about Texas.
  17. My comment has nothing to do with the guy with the headphones, rather the comment made in the linked article. Smalley said his concern for the evacuees was
  18. Don't forget about Indianola, Texas. It was once a thriving seaport and the seat of Calhoun County. It was hit hard by a hurricane in 1875, but was rebuilt. The town was hit by a second hurricane in 1886. They had the good sense afterwards to abandon the city and move the seat to Port Lavaca.
  19. Maybe METRO and the City should put up signs warning visitors not to go near any trains or busses because they are not familiar with them. That sounds like a typical METRO attitude, that all accidents are the fault of others and not theirs.
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