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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. First of all, Miami and Corpus are not below sea level.Secondly, why in the hell are you trying to turn this into a racial issue? That is very racist of you to even suggest that my reasons are based on race. Now I'm mad! I'm not sure it would be worth the effort since New Orleans has been sinking for years, and will continue to sink in the future. But that
  2. And it saddens me that we are having to go through this horrible disaster. If we rebuild the city back the way it used to be, we will go through this disaster all over again, and for the same reasons. New Orleans is a disaster waiting to happen
  3. According to Rick Perry, there are now some 220,000 refugees in Texas. If we were to gather them all into one place, it would become the 10th largest city in the State.
  4. I have heard it stated that some 80% of New Orleans is under water. Given the time it will take to drain the city, most of the houses and apartments in that area will be uninhabitable and unsalvageable and will have to be razed. A number of businesses will have to be torn down as well. What you will end up with is, basically, a blank slate on which to rebuild the city. Now, if you had the power and the means to plan and build a major city anywhere in the US, the last place you would choose is a huge bowl below sea level in the middle of a swamp right in Hurricane Alley. It makes no sense whatsoever. However, if anyone is foolish enough to do so, then have at it. Build whatever you want wherever you want. But don
  5. It may well be that many residents in New Orleans were there because they have been there forever and never had the ways and means to live elsewhere. Baton Rouge is now the largest city in Louisiana. Why don
  6. So much has been made of the delay by the Federal Government in getting aid to the victims. I don
  7. Where can I volunteer to teach? I would like to be a part of a group to instruct the victims on how to do the work that the volunteers are doing so they can become as self-sufficient as possible just as soon as possible. Or, I could volunteer to be a part of a group to go around Houston to ask businesses to create jobs for these victims so that they can once again feel productive, and give them the means to get back on their feet once they return to or find a permanent residence.
  8. The first two steps I would take are: 1. Get a new mayor. 2. Get a new governor.
  9. If we want others to know what Houston is all about, we could adopt the slogan
  10. Maybe you should just read my post rather than read things into it. Your posts are simply too defensive to respond to.
  11. OK, I give up. What are you talking about? Who said anything about shooting refugees? I was talking about the general conception people have of law enforcement in Texas.
  12. Actually, there has never been a better opportunity to rebuild New Orleans. There was an interview on (I think) CNN of the former (I think) City Planning Director of New Orleans. She stated that the solution all along has been to raise the level of the city, but displacing that many residents made the plan unfeasible. Well, the difficult part has been taken care of. If they don
  13. Some people have suggested that the cops in Texas will shoot first and ask questions afterward. That may or may not be true. But it does seem that the powers what be here have decided to do what they can for as many victims as they can, then worry about the economic impact later. Do you agree?
  14. I recently made a comment on another thread wondering if the Astrodome had locks to keep people in as well as out. Three people asked me to explain, and rather than risk being confrontational, I deleted my post. This thread is precisely why I made the comment. My contention with mrfootball is the
  15. The Louisiana governor is on the air now addressing looters and other lawbreakers of the enforcement policies about to be implemented. The warnings include threats of severe punishment for those caught breaking the law, so the people had better heed her warnings. Just one slight problem
  16. At a forum where I post often, a lady from southern Alabama evacuated as was recommended by local authorities. I
  17. We do not care for the Red Cross, so we gave to the Houston Food Bank instead. They will use your donation only for the Katrina relief effort.
  18. On the news this morning, I heard that 1 in 6 people in New Orleans do not own a vehicle, so they could not have evacuated unless they found a ride.
  19. I paid $2.45 yesterday in Bastrop. On the way back to Houston, I saw prices as high as $2.90. I saw on the news that somewhere near Denver gas was upwards of $3.80. Next week I will be in Bastrop for good. That's a good thing because the cost of shuttling back and forth is killing me!
  20. I will miss nothing because it has held absolutely nothing for me for quite some time. What some may call
  21. I guess all forums get saddled with at least one comedian wannabe. OK, OK, so I
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