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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. It is my understanding that the Mississippi River has been trying to change course for a number of years, but that manmade devices are preventing that. The course it wants to take would be the Atchafalaya River Basin taking it past Morgan City. I have to wonder how the storm will affect the efforts to keep the Mississippi on its present course. Perhaps it is time to let Morgan City become the port city Nature seems to want it to be. If New Orleans is indeed destroyed, maybe it should be allowed to remain that way.
  2. I know quite a few of the
  3. Truer words could not be found, danax. That is precisely what Houston is about.You know, manure is not the most pleasant fragrance to be found. But, man oh man, how it helps make the most beautiful flowers bloom. Once the benefits are realized, manure becomes a good deal less odoriferous.
  4. Nope, no mention of Bay Shore Park in La Porte. However, there was a segment on the
  5. George Wagner was born in 1915 and began wrestling at age 14. After 10 years of wrestling with little success,
  6. Anyone know how George came up with the idea of his "identity"? It was Bob Hope. Hope told him that if he wanted to make it big, he needed an act, something to distance himself from the rest.
  7. Here is the information I now have about Luna Park. It was opened in June of 1924 on 36 acres of land. The parking lot was right along the bayou on a somewhat precipitous slope. It was stated that the park was on the south side of Buffalo Bayou at Houston Avenue, but that cannot be as that is the location of Sam Houston Park. I am sure they meant to say White Oak Bayou. The roller coaster may have been called the Scenic Railway. Another of the most thrilling rides was the Mechanical Caterpillar, a ride still found in many traveling carnivals. The cars went around in a circle on an up and down track, and a canopy was extended over the cars to make it dark. A big attraction at Luna was
  8. Yes, it was the KUHT series and can be purchased at the Channel 8 Store online. However, it appears that Vol 3 is not available. It is the one about "Holiday Memories". Segments from that tape include the annual Wheatley-Yates Thanksgiving football game. That was one of the biggest sporting events in Houston back then. Also included is Foley's downtown store with its Christmas decorated windows, and Mrs. Baird's bakery on W Gray with a live Santa in his sleigh. What was strange about that display is that Santa looked an awful lot like Vernon Baird.
  9. I do believe that Luna Park was on Houston Ave. I could have sworn it was shown on one of my maps, but I cannot find it. I may be wrong, but there may have been another park somewhere off Allen Parkway, possibly around Taft. I first heard about Luna on one of the
  10. Digital is the only way to go. I wouldn
  11. I love browsing through the many antique stored along 19th Street. But I am a bit surprised that there aren
  12. I have found that many Southerners take just as dim a view of Texas and Texans as do Northerners.
  13. InFo, here! At least temporarily.
  14. Doesn't she understand that a Texan can say more in a 10-word drawl than a Northeasterner could in a 2-hour rant?
  15. Houston and Dallas are like brother and sister who are constantly bickering about the other. In fact, Houston may even join in with other siblings like San Antonio and Austin to pick on Sister Dallas. But, if someone outside our Texas family tries picking on any of us, then they should be prepared to have their nose bloodied!
  16. I'm sure all of Dallas and most of Texas is thankful for that fact!
  17. Actually, Sherman was very selective about places he ordered burned. After Atlanta fell, he ordered that the courthouse and residential areas be spared. In fact, some of the Union troops were used to fight fires that got out of hand, some of which the Confederates themselves had set. Savannah was spared burning after it was occupied. After the occupation of Savannah, Sherman turned north and cut a swath through South Carolina. Not many realize this, but his march through that state was even more destructive than the one through Georgia. As was stated, Sherman
  18. Shoot, with all the undocumented workers we have in Houston that we could hire for next to nothing, we should be able to build those runways for a couple of thou apiece!
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