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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I agree. There seems to be a large, open space at Beachnut and Harlem . Feeder streets from the east would include Westheimer, Bellaire, Bissonnet and the Westpark Tollroad. That area is right between I-10 and Hwy59. And it would be adjacent to the Grand Parkway.
  2. $1.19 "Dollar Nineteen" Steakhouse. They had, what else, steaks that cost, well duh, $1.19. Did I mention Toddle House before?
  3. The Pillot House is one of those in Sam Houston Park.
  4. Since when did this become a political forum? I like most of the people on here, even if some of you have shown yourselves to be overly misguided in your beliefs. I won
  5. I think Henke and Pilot gave out Top Value stamps, and one day a week they gave double stamps. I think it was on Tuesdays. Other storesa gave double stamps as well.
  6. If we are talking stores and gas stations, then we might as well get a bonus
  7. Steak n Shake was probably the worst hamburger I ever had. Not only was the meat tasteless, all you got was the meat patty and bun. Anything else you wanted you had to pay extra.
  8. I love machines, and when we passed this scrap yard the other day I was in Hog Heaven! It was quite an operation from loading the scrap on one end, and having the material chopped and sorted at the other. If you find yourself in the Washington Ave, Studemont area, take a quick trip down Center between Studemont and Sawyer and check out this operation.
  9. This used to be a Rettig's Ice Cream store. It is located at Studewood and 13th in the Heights. The rounded windows are what makes the building distinctive to Rettig's. However, the window trim on all Rettig
  10. Well, I suppose that is not it. The address on that building is 225 W Gray. Thanks, SpaceAge. BTW, our first A/C was two Frederich window units, and I think we got them from Teaff in the mid 50s.
  11. Naturally, there was a Someburger at Studewood and 11th, and that one may still be there. There was another on 19th in
  12. This is one of my favorite houses in the Heights. It used to be a corner grocery store way back when, and then it was used as an office. Now it appears to have become an attractive residence. It is on W 16th and (I believe) Ashland.
  13. I passed that intersection today, and Crash is right - there are two places going up on that corner. I meant to turn around and get some pictures, but we got distracted and didn't go back. With Fitzgerald's just across the street, thay could well become "another" 6th Street!
  14. Can you imagine the electricity bill to run that thing???
  15. I saw this building today on the SW corner of Gray and Gillette. I don’t exactly recognize it as such, but I think this used to be a Mexican restaurant called Old Mexico back in the 50s. Coming from the Heights, we would pass a long line of row houses along Gray, and Old Mexico would be just beyond them. The houses are gone, so I don’t have that reference anymore. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v123/olphart/Around%20Town/NOTOldMexico.jpg
  16. Anybody recognize this place? Picture the trim a different color.
  17. Now you have me wondering. If Robert Tilton was still in Dallas, would that make them more Liberal or more Conservative? Or would it just make them more ashamed?
  18. Overgeneralization? Or would it be a case of overgenitalization?
  19. I tend to believe that guys drive huge vehicles to compensate for certain shortcomings. Uh, anybody know where I can get my Isetta repaired?
  20. I was just about to do a search for a 12-step program for Forum Withdrawal Syndrome!
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