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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I found This Article on the Four Palms. It was a famous "Pressure Cooker" bar on or near Telephone Road.
  2. I got 4 out of 10 on the first try, and 2 out of 10 on the second. Some people just don't learn, do we?
  3. The trailer park in the photo above was on the west side of Beall at 15th. It is not actually in Heights Annex, but just west of it about a half mile. The project on 13th and Prince used to be an iron works facility, but the eastern side of that area had been a trailer park.
  4. There seems to be a good deal of construction happening in Heights Annex. Below is just one of those developments. What makes this one special, however, is that this is the location of the house Dan Rather grew up in. One of the workers at the site confirmed that as the location of the Rather house. He added that the house had been moved, but he did not know where. HeightsGuy, it is hard to get a good sense of how large an area that trailer park took up, and just how much buildable area is there. This photo may give some idea, but then there is more area than what shows in the photo. Not only that, there is another large block of empty space just across the street from this lot.
  5. The last time I was there was in high school, and we stopped in for a Coke, and I got an order of fries. They were curly fries, and they were very greasy, and they were very good! What a great photo, Subdude. Once again you have come through with the goods!
  6. Changing the (ahem) subject here, Warner Cable used to send me literature in Spanish only. This was when I lived in Timbergrove.
  7. Yes, I knew you weren't coming down hard on me.
  8. Another of my stops today was at the Casa Grande restaurant on North Main just south of I-45. I had no plans to eat there, but wanted to take a photo of one of my old haunts. This used to be Stuart
  9. In the early 50s, my granddad had a business selling well liners and other products. The warehouse was on Vine Street, one of a long line of identical warehouses. Vine makes an
  10. This is the house on W 16th in the Heights that I was referring to in my original post. It is the one I loved - until I saw it on the inside. On my photo trip around town today, I went down W 14th where I grew up. There are a number of new houses going up or are already occupied from Beall down to the dead end. The two houses below are two of the new ones, both built by Riverwood Homes and listed by Citihomes. The one on the right is listed at $440,400. The one on the left is listed for $474,900, and there was an open house on it today, so we went inside. This house was beautiful, and the design was wonderful throughout. But, upon closer inspection, I saw what a truly crappy job was done on parts of it. These are the back doors. Notice they don
  11. My mom lives in the townhomes on Kemp Forest and Gessner. She got her phone bill today from SBC. It was in Spanish! I told her to send it back and write "No Comprende" on the front of the bill. BTW, she also recieved a phone book that was in Spanish as well. Not sure if it was SBC or not as she already pitched it. This is America, damnit!
  12. We should be able to widen the search base with posts about what type building a company will erect at a particular location.
  13. Food City has a sale on Thunderbird this week. Time to stock up now!
  14. Well, I, uh - I only go to Gold Cup for, uh - for the, uh - the buffett! Yeah, the buffett. That's the ticket!
  15. Have you ever admired or even fell in love with a particular house or building, then had your spirits dashed when you saw it up close or saw the inside? That happened to me two Christmases ago on the Heights tour. CityKid did not identify his photos on a recent post, but I do believe the house below is the one that I was wild about. It is on W16th not far off Yale. I was ecstatic when I saw that it was going to be on the 2003 Christmas home tour in the Heights. But when I saw the house from the inside, I couldn
  16. If they are gonna be here on a Friday night, then I can save y'all some seats down at Gold Cup!
  17. I really saw no reason to answer my own question. It was really a no-brainer.
  18. OK, question. What do Aggies and Aggie diapers have in common???
  19. I have been making regular trips back and froth between Houston and Bastrop. It is close to $30 per trip now. But that price reflects pulling a trailer load one way. That has all but stopped now.
  20. There is a very large development just to the north of SPJST where the old trailer park used to be. Looks like Rob was sitting on a gold mine with that one. Last time I was by there a couple of trailers remained, but they may have been planned as offices or storage. I need to get back by there again. BTW, what's wrong with "Shady Acres"? Makes it sound like there are a lot of trees there.
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