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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. That was before the invention of the weather rock, wasn't it? One of my favorite places growing up was at the corner of Shepherd and W 12th - an icehouse called Birdie
  2. If memory serves me, there is a racetrack in College Station and one in Dallas, correct? Are either of them making any money?
  3. Was Gene sober when you met him? He was quite renowned for his drinking, and, in fact, had to be tied to his saddle when he led off at least one of the rodeo parades years back. Please don
  4. I think the pedestrians you encountered were the exception rather than the rule. Actually, Heights Annex goes from 13th to 16th from Lowell (now Shepherd) to the city limits at what is now Dian. This is according to a 1930 map. Dan Rather was raised there on Prince between 14th and 15th. The last time I drove by his house, it was either fixed up or torn down. The fixed up house looked like his, but it was hard to tell from the improvements. The house to the north of that house had been razed. The empty lot is the first Heights Annex house I am aware of that is being replaced with a new structure. Maybe it is the start of a renovation of the neighborhood. There are two sleeper areas I like there. One is 15th
  5. Wyatt's Cafetaria was bought out by Luby's, including the one in Merchant's Park on 11th and Shepherd. It and some of the others are all-you-can-eat joints now. I wonder if the quality is any better?
  6. Three Mexican restaurants I miss are Old Mexico on W Gray, Santa Anita on Pierce and Louisiana and Del Rio on Shepherd and W 26th. These were places from my childhood, but I can still taste certain dishes from each restaurant. I also miss DePaul
  7. I think it would be cheaper to fly texasboy to Houston, put him up in a motel, feed him and rent him a car than it would be to shop at Woody
  8. Colina's is my favorite. I normally go to the one in the Heights.
  9. Yes, that is definately Playland Park! The main entrance was to the left of that photo. As you entered, the first ride on the left was the booth for the train which ran along side the roller coaster (behind it in the photo). Just beyond that is where Murworth is now. The round ride in the photo is the Tilt-a-Whirl.
  10. I attended Hamilton JH, so Hogg was our rival. I know exactly the type globe you are talking about. I know we had them at Hamilton as well as Reagan. I think most schools had the exact same ones.
  11. Last I heard, the goat man was killed by a chupacabra. But, then, that may just be a rumor.
  12. Have you ever played Treeline? I used to play it quite a bit because it was cheap and easy to get a tee time. It had 7 par 3s back when I played there, but the course has been redone since then.
  13. I think they quit doing that segment when Marvin was caught one day carrying a throwdown roach.I could be wrong, tho.
  14. You know, I have noticed over the past few weeks that Marvin
  15. I called my insurance company with my new Bastrop address, and my insurance rate went down by over a third.
  16. I passed that location quite a few times as a small kid, but I never remember seeing that building. I think that's something I would have remembered, so it must have been torn down in the early 50s.
  17. What is so scary about this situation is that many of these groups are little more than common thugs, and they are using weapons such as these! Do you think we should close off the border at Nuevo Laredo? Is there anything else we could do?
  18. Burt Reynolds is so smarmy, I can't even stand to watch the previews of this or any other movie he is in.
  19. In case any of you want to buy the kit, . . .
  20. I agree about the accents. Larry Hagman's accent was exaggerated and did not sound the least bit Texan on the series, and he is a native son!
  21. I was restless last night and couldn't sleep, so I sat in the living room watching TV. I heard the chirping the entire time I was awake. I am convinced now that these are not birds. However, every time I opened the back door, the chirping stopped, so I could not find the source.
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