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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I say goodbye and good riddance! The name
  2. Out of all the grocery chains in Houston, both past and present, Fiesta is my favorite. We normally shop at the one on I-10 at Blalock or the one at Willowbrook, but even the older, less appealing stores like the one on Shepherd at 25th usually has nice produce. I love going to the Farmer
  3. That last good Corvette was the '67 Stingray. I never liked them after that.
  4. How about this one? Boom ba ba boom ba ba boom ba ba "Buy your Chevrolet from Persia. Mike Persia Chevrolet. Buy your Chevrolet from Persia. Mike Persia Chevrolet." BTW, there was a post about Tommie Vaughn's passing last week.
  5. There is only one Fiesta left in Austin - on I-35. There was one on SoCo, but it closed. There are stores in Dallas and Fort Worth and possibly one in Waco. Randall's is - well, I could care less, actually. I detest Randall's and avoid them like the plague.
  6. Wow, lowspark, I had forgotten all about the playground below the movie screen. You are so right that it was a different time back then. The
  7. Maybe it was the food what done 'em in, and that's why they are haunting the place?
  8. Dora's tush isn't as pert as Tiff's, and Dora has seen better days physically, so I doubt she would be hired at any upscale joints.But then, Dora will definitely give you her phone number.
  9. It would depend on whether Tiffany gives me her phone number or turns me down flat!
  10. What I am uncomfortable with is that Tiffany at Pappasito
  11. That reminds me of the black tie cattle auctions they used to have at the Shamrock Hilton.
  12. My guess is that apartment construction will outpace house construction. That means more of the same for AISD.
  13. Well, you know how those Utahans like to party and raise hell.
  14. Are they the ones whose chirping grows louder and more persistent until they drive you to buy insurance?
  15. Those aren't those really dangerous tree frogs, are they?
  16. Houston is ranked 26th in "Culture"??? I'd sure like to know who is ranked above us! And just what the hell does "Coolness" mean?
  17. While I was at the Silo House, I was thinking how it would be living next door - and then a tour bus pulled up. Not sure I'd want to contend with that.
  18. Why in the world would I have reason to take offense, H-Town Man? This is just a friendly a discussion, isn
  19. I think Astroworld could become a great attraction if we had a few rides like this!
  20. If you traveled out 290 every afternoon and at various times, you would notice that the first slowdown occurs between Tidwell/Hollister and Fairbanks/North Houston. I used 290/Hempstead to get to work from
  21. Perhaps that is your opinion, but it is not what I am saying.There are many sides from which to look at this issue. However, the overriding aspect is an individual's rights as a property owned. The way a person chooses to exercise those rights may be questionable, or they may be against the law or deed restrictions. But those choices do take precedence over what others think of it. There was a couple who bought the house next to my mom, razed the existing structure and built a new one. It was the talk of the neighborhood, and there were some who wanted to tar and feather the couple and run them out of the area. The house was huge, unconventional and was covered in corrugated tin. If that couple had not been allowed to build the home of their dreams, the area, and the city would have been deprived of a GREAT SHOWPLACE!
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