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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. It was at South Main at Beaeswood. It was for small kiddies and had horses you could ride around a circuit as to opposed to parks where you rode tethered horses.
  2. What I saw and heard in Bastrop was definately not a nighthawk. Nighthawks are much larger. Maybe it was a chirpmonk?
  3. I would have sworn it was the homeowners responsibility. Thanks for the clarification, kjb!
  4. I tell you what frightened me the most is that the A/C unit was just outside the window where I heard the chirping, and I was afraid the A/C was about to carp out on me!
  5. Chickadees are very approachable in that, once they get used to you, they will get to where they will eat out of your hand. Of course, if they are the ones you are hearing, they may just drive you out of your mind - uh, that is if it's not too late for that!
  6. I think Torchlight is correct. I also believe that the homeowner is liable should someone trip and fall due to a sidewalk crack or unevenness due to sinking.
  7. Well, here it would be HoDo, but in Dallas it would be unadvisable!
  8. Well, you also have to consider the source. I mean, here it was in the
  9. I remember back in the late 70s when all the snowbirds came to Houston, and many of them complained about (among other things) how cold it was here. There was one girl in particular who I worked with who came from Pittsburgh. She would delicate flower about the cold when it wasn
  10. I have a lot chickadees up there, but I know the ones I saw weren
  11. RedScare, if you remember, we also went 6 days without getting above the freezing mark.
  12. They are birds! I know exactly what you are talking because it drove me crazy (yeah, like that
  13. And you are completely lost on the concept of Common Sense! What does the flood plain have to do with anything? Who in the hell is gonna be out riding their bike in a flood? And if there is a concern that the bike bridge will be flooded, then why is the bike path over halfway down the bayou embankment in many places? I don
  14. There was a thread on SoCo recently - that's the hip way of saying South Congress. SoDa would, of course, be South Dallas.
  15. Maybe it's because there are lots of us computor nurdds on here?
  16. If we shipped them to SoDa, maybe no one would even notice?
  17. What, me sarcastic? No, I was serious. I think the residents should band together and physically confront the criminals and take photos and video of their activities. I am sure there will be the argument against this idea for it being too dangerous. But, sometimes you have to take chances in order to keep your home and neighborhood safe. If drug dealing gets out of hand, then next thing you
  18. The ones they showed would take their clients through a split in the fence and do their thing. After the ladies left, they showed what was behind the fence - something like a tarp on the ground amid a pile of junk.
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