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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. You act as though this were only a question of the rights of the person who bought the house.
    Perhaps that is your opinion, but it is not what I am saying.

    There are many sides from which to look at this issue. However, the overriding aspect is an individual's rights as a property owned. The way a person chooses to exercise those rights may be questionable, or they may be against the law or deed restrictions. But those choices do take precedence over what others think of it.

    There was a couple who bought the house next to my mom, razed the existing structure and built a new one. It was the talk of the neighborhood, and there were some who wanted to tar and feather the couple and run them out of the area. The house was huge, unconventional and was covered in corrugated tin.

    If that couple had not been allowed to build the home of their dreams, the area, and the city would have been deprived of a GREAT SHOWPLACE!

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