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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. because of the Humidity. It just cuts to the bone to make you feel so cold.
    I remember back in the late 70s when all the snowbirds came to Houston, and many of them complained about (among other things) how cold it was here. There was one girl in particular who I worked with who came from Pittsburgh. She would delicate flower about the cold when it wasn
  2. What, me sarcastic?

    No, I was serious. I think the residents should band together and physically confront the criminals and take photos and video of their activities.

    I am sure there will be the argument against this idea for it being too dangerous. But, sometimes you have to take chances in order to keep your home and neighborhood safe. If drug dealing gets out of hand, then next thing you

  3. The ones they showed would take their clients through a split in the fence and do their thing. After the ladies left, they showed what was behind the fence - something like a tarp on the ground amid a pile of junk.

  4. RedScare, I know exactly what you are talking about, especially regarding the houses in the Heights. There were a number of wonderful mansions torn down, and one in particular, the Mills House, the largest and possibly the most beautiful in the Heights was razed and replaced by an ugly apartment complex. And when I had heard that the Cooley House had been torn down, I wanted to cry.

    However, back when these structures were being torn down, no one wanted a huge house in a run-down neighborhood. They tried to save the Cooley house, but it was vacant, and transients were living in it. It not only became an eyesore, it became a hazard. So I can understand why it had to go.

    That is why I am so grateful to Alan Bies who bought and restored the Milroy House, and to Bart Truxillo for his work on the house at Harvard and 18th. I firmly believe they are greatly and directly responsible for the resurrection of the Heights.

    That being said, had I been the owner of one of those old Heights mansions, and I was told by the government that I could not tear down my own house and build what I wanted in its place, and if no one was willing to pay a fair price, I would have not have been a happy camper. After all, this is Texas, and we Texans don

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  5. Many of the old theaters are still around today, but in another form.

    The Alabama is now a Bookstop.

    The Tower is ??? something, but not a theater.

    The Heights is an antique shop.

    The Stude is a church, I think.

    The Garden Oaks used to show Mexican films, but not sure what is in there now.

    I don

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