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Everything posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. I have been nothing more than an occasional visitor to Dallas, but I have always gotten the feeling that there was a great deal of tacit segregation there. There are a number of places I have been where I saw very few if and Blacks or Hispanics. Although there are many neighborhoods in Houston that are mostly segregated, you can usually find area of minorities in most areas of the city. In Dallas it seemed that the races were separated geographically, the north being almost exclusively White. Am I mistaken in my perceptions?
  2. The Cellar and Love Street were both happening when I graduated HS in
  3. How right you are. When I read about "railcars", I immediately thought Victoria Station. The place on Richmond was indeed The Railhead. I went there a couple of times in the early 70's, but I don't remember it having rail cars. Victoria Station was on Post Oak north of Richmond. There may have been another one around Kirby and South Main, but I'm not sure about that.
  4. There used to be a wonderful newsstand on Texas across from the Rice Hotel that was open to the street. Next to it was the KC Restaurant (CK Restaurant?) that had tables designed to eat while standing.
  5. You're kidding, right?No zoning laws have been the rule here from day 1, and Houston is the fourth largest city in the country. Houston has too much going for it to let something as trivial as no zoning to kill development here.
  6. Anybody remember the guy who made this line famous? If so, do you ever wonder what happened to him? Check it out!
  7. I think it's pretty asinine that we don't have an interstate highway from the largest city in the state to its capitol. We don
  8. Take a look at what is happening in the Heights between Durham and White Oak Bayou, south of 19th and north of 15th. The construction of new housing is actually replacing the many businesses scattered throughout that area. It
  9. I think a good visionary is someone insightful enough to offer some kind of incentive to spur growth into specific areas. Hey, how about offering a free VCR for every apartment rental?
  10. Here's a link to Al's racy cheerleader photos. Don't click on it if you are easily offended. Open with caution
  11. It was often said of George Hermann that he had the first dollar he ever made. Other than a failed attempt to give a block of land for a charity hospital, he never gave a cent to charity. When he died in 1914, his gifts to Houston included Hermann Park as well as nearly $5million for his long desired charity hospital. BTW, the name Hermann was pronounced
  12. Well, I tried, but no luck with the swap I was seeking. The best offer I had was from a guy would swap me his John Deere with mower and various other attachments if I would take his wife off his hands. I decided it wasn
  13. My favorite cheerleading group is the one from Al Edwards High School. Those girls really know how to
  14. Kind of spooky that London's transportation system is being discussed. This is a big reason why I didn't want Houston to get the Olympics. We probably would have become a target.
  15. The area where I was raised is called Clark Pines. It is comprised of West 14th and 14th 1/2 west of Dian. From Dian to Shepherd from 16th to 13th is Heights Annex. You won
  16. I sure do need a good riding lawnmower for my place in Bastrop. I wonder if I could swap my wife for a decent one?
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