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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. Not sure I understand your question, RedScare. Stone veneer had no influence one way or another. I like the above house because of the design, especially given the fact that all the houses from bayou to bayou flooded. The single room on the ground floor is like an enclosed porch, and little damage would result from another flood.

    I also like the house because the original owners of the property were best friends of my family, and the wife was my godmother. Another feature is the drainage ravine in the back yard and easement, and the original place was terraced. It has great possibilities.

  2. As recently as 1930 (according to my map), Shepherd was known as Lowell Street from White Oak Bayou to where it turned west at Rosslyn, now W. 34th Street. B A Shepherd came to Houston in 1844, and in 1847, he opened his Commercial and Agricultural Bank, the first chartered bank in Texas. Roderick, two streets west of Shepherd as late as the mid to late 50s, was improved and became Durham.

  3. Subdude, what I find fascinating is to see what routes led in to and out of town in all directions. I would have thought they would be basically straight but not necessarily parallel to most streets, like following old trails. But many routes tended to have a number of twists and turns using various streets.

  4. JT, you ought to go to the Central Library downtown in the Julia Ideson Building at 500 McKinney. There you will find the Texas Room and Archives. They have a number of large reproductions of city maps. The one you should check out is

  5. I love old maps, especially those of Texas and Houston. This is one of my favorite Internet sites! I can study maps for hours on end, so you can just imagine why I like this site so.

    The subject has come up about the different wards of Houston. Click on

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