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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. This weekend is the annual Heights Home and Garden Tour. If you are into architecture, then this should right up your alley. If you go, I would recommend you see all of the houses. Over the years, I have discovered that even the least interesting appearing houses are spectacular inside, or else they have a historic connection to the Heights or to Houston

  2. 1956.jpg

    This is the monorail that was at South Main at the intersection with Holmes. I assume that was Arrowhead Park. We passed the location many times on the way to and from Seargent, but I never saw it up close. It was a good half to one mile off Main.

    But then, I guess I did after all! I rode the one at the State Fair in 1957. I never knew the two were one and the same.

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  3. I saw him today on 290 just south of the College Station exit. I had forgotten about him even though I saw him last year, and on three other occasions in the past 8 years.

    There is a man who makes a pilgrimage along 290 every year in the week(s) before Easter. He carries a large wooden cross over his shoulder

  4. I was reading an article and now some schools feed 96% of their students free breakfast and lunch.
    Last statistic I saw was 52% of HISD students are at or below poverty level. I thought that figure was high! I think there is a big difference between "need" and "want" - and too many just want that free ride.

    I also find it curious that the people most in need of financial assistance for their children are the ones with the biggest families. We are encouraging baby factories. Why?

  5. Houston may not be a fashionable city, but we do have a keen sense of fashion. Why, just the other day at Academy, I was pointing out to my lady the most darling pair of brogans I have ever seen. They were to die for! And they would go great with my new Dickies overalls!

    Now, if I can just find the right gimme cap to go with it, . . . .

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