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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. The "Light Circus" part does sound familiar. I never went there. I went to The Cellar once, and realized that was not my cup of tea. This was back in my high school days. It was not until after I got out of the Navy that the brain began fritzing out. Musta been the Agent Orange aftereffects, huh?

  2. It blocks pop-ups, ad-ware & spy-ware. It has tabbed-browsing, so that you can open multiple pages in one window and surf between them using a tab bar instead of many windows in the Start bar.
    So, how is that different from Netscape 7?
  3. My girlfriend teaches at Alief, and she is leaving at the end of this year. She is fed up with all the crapulence she has to put up with there with unruly students and an administration that does not stand behind the teachers.

    They don

  4. Rosemary, you just described a good part of The Houston Heights. I thought if any part of Houston had Sears houses, the Heights would. I tried looking for them using your book, but it was a hopeless cause.

    If you are serious about coming to Houston, you might contact the Houston Heights Association. I

  5. Chicago passed an ordinance in 2003 requiring companies that do business with the city to research their history to determine any links to slavery.

    What an idiotic ordinance! Slavery is dead and buried. What good does it accomplish to keep digging it up other than to rekindle hatred and try to instill guilt where it is not deserved?

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