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Posts posted by Heights2Bastrop

  1. On the dead end part of 14th there were three lots bought by the same party and five houses are being built there. I lived at the second house from the bayou (next to the corrugated tin house), and we had the chance to buy the two houses next to us toward Beall.

    Just another missed opportunity.

    As to the house on 14th

  2. If Reliant Stadium were to be used for Olympic events, all advertisement would be removed unless the advertiser is an official sponsor of the Olympics.

    For example, the Gallery Furniture sign would have to come down unless Mac pays to be the "Official Annoying Commercial of the Olympics"!

  3. The Heights as a neighborhood is, at this point, mostly dull. A happening bar should liven this up.

    When a "happening bar" is no longer happening, it becomes a beer joint.

    I'm not sure where the dry line is, but there is a bar called Shiloh Club on Studewood just south of 14th that has been there for well over 10 years. I doubt if Berryhill is in a dry area.

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