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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. A little over-spoken. There are many moving parts. As I stated in the mayoral race thread ( http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/index.php?showtopic=22243&st=200 ), the debt was not created by many of the people who now have to manage it. The issue is also not imminently desperate. The City has 1.5B of well-rated debt and a 2B investment pool to back it. However, a committed plan will be necessary to ensure the long-term debt is appropriately handled.
  2. Agreed! musicman, thank you for arranging it. BTW, we should have our own ensemble...but we more plastic bell.
  3. Yet another... http://www.chron.com...an/6760769.html Coincidentally, I saw HPD CSI parked near this location late yesterday afternoon. I assume they were looking at the preious fire on that block.
  4. Apparently, Locke is more than just accepting such endorsements.. From The Houston Chronicle
  5. He's a hormone specialist...who, generally, has a progesterone problem.
  6. Glad you all made it home ok. The car ballet is in its final act this morning.
  7. You don't heat it, do you? Editor, please add a disgusted pucker emoticon.
  8. Sounds good. I'm mulling cider and having it with a shot of Bourbon.
  9. Now those are some flakes! I appreciate your coordinating with Warren's, music.
  10. I think most are ITL'rs. I believe COH uses sand, not salt. Due to limited distribution equipment, it won't be on all roads. We're going to have a lot of wetness throughout the day. That could create slippery conditions when the temps dive into the 20's this evening. Personally, the driving is not a huge deal for me. I know what it is to lose total control of a vehicle on ice and how to regain that control (or to stem the damage). However, I recognize that I live in a metropolitan area of several million people who have not had the opportunity to develop such intuition. That's some square dancing I would like to avoid.
  11. Agreed. We'd probably get there ok, but the forcasted temperatures would leave icy roads to take home.
  12. A new incident Street -N DURHAM DR Block -W 14TH ST 452Y 12/04/2009 04:04 211 fire Alarm level- 2 Units - A015, D006, D031, E011, E015, L006, L031, SQ062, E062, HR011, D008
  13. I used Paint to copy the format over the way it appeared in my email. But it looked terrible anyway.
  14. Look what Dr. Hotze sent me! (The joy I experience from list sharing and supporting candidates according to office, not political affiliation). Look carefully at the left column. Apparently Dr. Hotze knows whom he hates better than whom he supports.
  15. Are you referencing this http://www.houstontx...09/20090331.pdf ? Councilmember Holms raised the question because of a red flag that the Controller had in her annotations. The Controller responded that measures were being taken to bring the FY numbers in conformance to the budget. No doubt, the pension debt is a scary animal. From my read, it becomes scarier if considerable allotment to principal does not start in the next 3-4 years. It's sad that the White administration, this Council and this Controller have to wrestle with a problem that was caused by previous administration's poor tallying on pension estimates. In the end, this bond debt is part of the budget that's why it's "funneled" through the budget. Is borrowing money a fiscally responsible way to balance the budget? It's not the preferred way, no. However, fiduciary responsibility for a government entity goes beyond just balancing short-term numbers. It means delivering services, making capital improvements, and, yes, paying off poorly constructed promises of the past as such needs arise. In the short-term, these bonds allow the City leaders to do City business, while remaining more liquid and more fiscally nimble, all while emerging from a period of lower revenues and maintaining a high rating on its bonds backed by its highly rated, $2 billion general investment pool.
  16. If the white stuf flies, ok. If the skeeters die, awesome!
  17. ...so we bring our own food, because we like places that let us control our own nutritional intake. That is an essential factor in choosing venues...really. Join us Friday! We always have good food. Muselixman brings some of the best.
  18. One of her agents, Ashton Martini, represents the builder.
  19. Tonights debate: The one-on-one thing was hilarious. We visited the cat shelter on W 19th last weekend. It was similar...sniff butts and hiss.
  20. Rice needs to step off. In merging or even affiliating with BCM, they would be stepping into managed care. In an environment where that may mean something very different in the next few years, their governance does not need to enter into that picture. The best partner for BCM is TMH. Go figure! They, SLEH, and TCH need to discuss merger. The combined institution would rival The Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. (Imagine Houston could have the same medical prestige of Rochester, Minnesota and Cleveland, Ohio!) Hubris needs to be set aside.
  21. Blair St on 11/18 was the last arson. It did not appear to follow the same m.o.
  22. Is there a final decision as to which Friday?
  23. Great news, Sevfiv! I am hoping this conversation will create good energy around preservation and around the life of Immanuel Lutheran, as well.
  24. So, I get up to have a glass of water. I look outside and think "My, it's foggy". Then I hear numerous sirens approaching the area. Now, I'm thinking "Is that really fog?" (!) Fire in the western section of Heights Annex. NASHUA BLK W 15TH ST 452Y 11/24/2009 03:13 House on Fire 1A011, D006, D031, E011, L006, L031, SQ062, E062, E015, HR011, E031 Oh, BTW, I stuck my head outside. It's fog. Be careful driving this morning, all.
  25. I'm creating a new thread. RBS posted the quote above in the Mayor's race thread. I think there needs to be a thread purely dedicated to next year's gubernatorial race as we are developing mini threads around the topic. I went back a year or more and I cannot find one. Much happening! White is looking at making a run. Kay is holding to the Senate, but still in the race. We have a great producer of hair products - Shami. We have a great consumer of hair products - Perry. Yeah, then there's Kinky with his vast resume in public and business administration. This may be pretty boring until the primaries heat up. So, now we have a new, boring thread. However it's comprehensive and efficient. Oh, wait that's boring, too.
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