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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Make ya not worry about Mayor anymore, huh? Ron Green...OMG! I also am a little surprised that Annise is performing so well. I really thought that money was going to buy the election. Go figure!
  2. Unlikely. Building certification and kitchen certification...over the Holidays. I hope Trace can bring the local aspect that Evans brought to Brennan's. Bringing fresh and heirloom produce to the table made Brennan's that much more on spot along with a great menu and the sharpest service.
  3. I think it's a great term. Highlights the purpose of wider aisles. ...Oh, wait, this isn't the Kroger thread.
  4. Red, the floors are latte...to go with the Starbucks. Reserving overall opinion...it's an unmerged mess right now. One comment...Want international? Go twelve blocks north.
  5. You have 30 days from the date of notice before they take any action. There should be a phone number on the notice. Call them. At least, they may be able to provide some more information. I seriously doubt they are going to commit the resources to repo your car. If they proceed, their likely course will be to put a lien on your property. You would need to deal with that lien at the time you sell your house. It will, of course, include the interest and penalty payment up to that time. Remember, the IRS has no emotion vested in this. This is what they do. They are Borg...you will be assessed.
  6. 6. All the fires have been started at night between angry, daytime rants about Obama. OMG! In all seriousness, if the officer was short, he may cop attitude in a Napoleon-like manner on all his stops. I wouldn't want to be treated poorly by a police officer. I also wouldn't want to be patrolling the streets alone at 4:30 in the morning.
  7. One of the things I have heard during the recent events is that serial arsonists are frequently young, white males. You just got profiled - DWW. It is techncially illegal to make a wide right turn, however it is legal to make a left turn into either lane. (HPD occasionally affords me the opportunity to refresh my knowledge of driving rules).
  8. I like Main Place better because it has an interesting Fannin facing façade. I like things that are interesting...and alliterative.
  9. ...Or even to stay on the original topic.
  10. Even better. Has anybody tried shopping there with the intention of continuing southward? You can't access Durham now!
  11. I hope you all had a great time! After many nights out lately, I felt more home-bound.
  12. 78F at 40% humidity...I think we'll be doing the weather happy dance. In case you don't know it, it's a line dance. You do a goose walk while holding onto your belt buckle.
  13. Thanks for posting the archived article, tmariar. That would be great. They likely would have to gut the inside and build a whole new structure in the shell, particularly to conform with fire regulations should they want to use part for the School.
  14. It's awful. I thought they were going to turn it into storage to replace the old warehouses on the next block west.
  15. Agreed. Actually, I could have done without meme's recent reappearance to gripe about why he left. I'll try to remember him for the old days (way back in 2008). I am sorry that this has not been resolved.
  16. Unity in a church congregation is a rarity on most issues. I have several questions: -What is driving their demo app.? Church finances? Need to expand the School? -Are they even using the old nave for anything at this point? I think they only use the sanctuary on Arlington for services. -What is the overall condition of the inside of the old structure and how solid is the structure itself? A better understanding of the issues might help in determining options. Also, what type of information did you provide to them a year or so ago? Thanks for the heads-up.
  17. Per KTRK: Suspicious. Had a fire trail at the back. I think that they interviewed a HAIFer who has posted here a few times. However, her lil'uns stole the show. That's okay. Their care emphasizes the safety concerns we have.
  18. I know a number of people who were planning to go. From what I gleaned, TMO was going to have candidates from a lot of different races - Mayor, Council, HISD, Lord High Executioner - at this gathering with pre-submitted questions. With such a broad spectrum of races and the time that could feasibly be alloted to each candidate, I didn't see much value in it.
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