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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. I know these two guys. They are smart, good people. They got into a disagreement. I suspect that the anger that lead to the disagreement had very little to do with the other one, because it is uncharacteristic for these two to act with such derision. They can be sarcastic and a little passive-aggressive, but not truly derisive as a habit. In their disagreement, they have created an unhealthy spat – unhealthy for both of them and unhealthy for the community which knows them. The irony is that they already have lost face over this disagreement. They have come off as petty and small. Yet, each feels that he may lose face by capitulation, apology, and rectification (the process whereby they figure out how they would not to fall into such disagreement again). It is painful to admit wrong. In the end, their issue is a matter of living manhood through humility and good grace or living manhood through shwang. We should be hopeful and prayerful for these two guys. They really are good people.
  2. Needless to say, you cannot vote in both primaries. If you sign a petition to have a candidate run on one party's ticket, you cannot vote in the another party's primary. As an independent, I am wary of this, because I vote in primaries to get the best reults when the other ticket has no chance of prevailing in the general election.
  3. I believe the most recent fire was in the 1700 block of Durham. I checked HFD incidents as a flurry of sirens broke the peace of a nice, cool evening last night. Sheila had a press conference around ATF's involvement at 3 today. She did it in the Heights Blvd esplanade at 11th Street. Bless her...she's the only person who could turn an arson string into a traffic jam. In all fairness, I'm glad she's giving some additional support to the situation.
  4. Some interesting experiments in this study. It's amazing that people will purposely flunk tests. They see the box with all the dots alligned to one side. Yet they choose to ignore that, and determine something else for personal benefit.
  5. So, what are your issues with Locke?
  6. OK. So, you don't like Parker. My question is who would you propose...and why? Oh, BTW, it will come as no surpise to you that Brown (I know how your fondness of him exceeds all boundaries ), still did not believe there to be any fiscal challenges for the City as of four weeks ago during a debate.
  7. Kismet, Crunch. If it had been a boy, this would have been an intense converation taking place in Memorial, not-so-much on HAIF.
  8. Pretty groovy, eh? Actually, it looks like you were briefly posessed by musicman. We've always wondered about him . I tried to edit, and it looks totally normal.
  9. [quote name='Highway6' date='Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 7:18 PM' timestamp='1254961139' post='3442 Parker is the only one that sounds human up there. Edit: Well.. Locke is starting to sound better. As a moderate conservative and a design professional... it pains me to see Morales and Brown coming across the most like insincere hacks. Don't leave us, White. I like Parker. I recognize Parker comes off stilted. She sounds like the City proctologist. It's very...{insert you adjective here, cause I got nothin'}. However, I like that. White is awkward, too. I know, Brown's all about White. (That's either a political comment or a new designer choice! ) I think Anisse has got a lot of substance. I also like that her fundraising is largely from non-conected individuals. OK, music, you've been griping about this for some time. What are you looking for? Who would you propose as candidates? Edit: I made purple and duplicate comments! Lent already?
  10. I thought you forgot! No idea. Krakow?
  11. What?! No mention of the fries? The fries are great with a gyro! They presented well, nonetheless. (Hungry now)
  12. I know very little about SB Parish. I am struck that the Parish had about a 90% anglo population, according to the 2000 census. With it just east of the OP, I figured it might be more diverse. The HMSW deal was thwarted from the beginning, IMO. HMMS has too much vested in that area with their joint phys/rehab center, and University Place. HCHD will probably invest in the area. People in the area will probably still dislike it, mostly because it will demand a lot of room….a lot.
  13. You're very focused on your items and you're "moving quickly"...hmm... why? You're dodging the other angry white people? That's why! (Oh, don't deny it. You're an AWP. We have read your posts, after all). I get it. I'm all about the carry-basket gymnastics. It's a way to survive. Caffeine! That's how Golden Locks infused this whole, multi-poster diatribe... like a freaking French press!
  14. Mrs. P. and I had brunch there recently. The Breakfast Biscuit and the Seafood Campachena were good. The drinks were great. Mrs. P. had something with elder flower in it. I had a Sancha something (a really good bloody mary, although not as good as their Squealin' Mary with bacon infused vodka). Was that The Southside? Maybe you didn't have your Moby on.
  15. That's the problem. Kroger carries things that HEB and Fiesta do not, so I have to go there to at least pick up those special items. Although you can get fresh, free-range hamster milk at Whole Foods
  16. Oh, Golden Locks, you opened up a freakin' can of worms. Don't even start to talk about kid-friendly restaurants! That's about the only time it's tolerable! Yeah, I know. I'm one of them. However, I don't like to mix with them, because they make me angry. You've heard of going postal, right? I go to the Kroger, and I'm ready to go produce or even spicey (they have mace, after all). Question: Are frozen, soy products as hard as rocks?
  17. See, right there. That's an angry, white person! What about electric keyboard? Or are you just an instrument hater?
  18. Golden Locks: Sincerely, thank you for the update. [Abetting my cynicism, here, because I do appreciate new contributors to HAIF]. So here's the cynicism: Oh, Goodie! Fresh coffee for the angry, white people at the 11th St Kroger! When will they be adding ram-rods to the carts?
  19. It seems like they're trying to create a considerable amount in that one block. It would be great if they could extend it to the next block south. They could replace the current surface lot with underground parking. Maybe the major foundations could take a stake in such a project. Ooo! They could rename it Deja Vu Green!
  20. I know. Why don't they have Dwell?! I will give money to some door-knockers. However, they have to provide a IRS determination letter and, of course, a receipt.
  21. Kudos to Evans-Davis and others to resolving these matters!
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