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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. This seems like a proactive way to help protect neighborhoods where restrictions do not. It might play well in designated neighborhoods. It dovetails well with some of COH's drive for affordable housing, tax incentives around restoration and its greening initiatives. Two skeptic's questions: Would this be deemed an efficient use of resources (versus the more applied build-new-box approach to housing solutions) such that the resources would be made available? Perhaps, a more private-based approach would address that issue. Would the "uplifted" housing simply promote gentrification, thereby undermining the goal of affordability? (It just might be possible that some neighborhood in Houston could have restored bungalows selling in the mid-300's, you know?) Neat program. Thanks for sharing this.
  2. Oh, OK. I knew I should have started with more generic shots. So, here's the last one...
  3. http://www.walkerart.org/index.wac
  4. Finance reports are in. Campaign funds raised and cash on hand for Houston's four major mayoral candidates through June 30: Gene Locke: $1.15 million raised, $574,000 on hand Annise Parker • : $810,000 raised, $602,000 on hand Peter Brown • : $477,000 raised, $1.75 million on hand Roy Morales • : $18,000 raised, $9,000 on hand Article in the Chron
  5. Now if the architecture had not clued people in, I had something for TV fans...
  6. Careful! There are schools nearby.
  7. I knew this would go quickly. Anybody else? EDIT: I was going to defer to Marmer, because it's been a sh- week at the office. However, I thought this would be a neat visit, so I got my second wind.
  8. Make sure to keep some select few loose. (Ammo.)
  9. The Joanne King Herring Building. Naming matter resolved.
  10. Remember, if you know it, post something creative to indicate you know you know it. Capiche? I expect that this will go quickly...
  11. I got my water bill today. I don't suppose there's some rewards program (ala AMEX) sponsored by public works. I am certainly making a case for a separate, outdoor meter. We tripled our usage this month and more than half the bill was sewage.
  12. This is so cool!! The clarity is unbelievable. OK. What's the deal with the red neon at The Houston House Apts.?
  13. I hate the outside. (EIFS. Is theat for "Extra Icky Faux Stucco?) I sort of like the inside, although, it's not totally, my cup of tea. It has a nice feel with the distressed floors and I dig grass cloth. However I think the outside should relate to the inside. I think the interior is diminished by the blast of sunlight reflecting off concrete and other EIFS houses.
  14. We like you just the way you are....when on Whiskey.
  15. People are concentrating on threads like Sotamayor, Jackson Lee, and the true definition of a d-b on the Wash Av thread. People are on vacation because the kids go back to school in a few weeks. People just got back from vacation and are trying to recover. (It's hard to come back!). People are working late to compensate for their laid off coworkers. People have nothing to discuss, because nothing big and new is going up in this economy. People have nothing to discuss because nothing is getting torn down in the Heights in this economy. People are on Swamplot and HAR, because there's a RDA membership on the line...Dude! People are at the latest house party being hosted for Anisse Parker (She tours more homes than a realtor! ) The weather barely changes these days.
  16. Porchman

    GG XV

    [Captions added, as noted above]
  17. I've not been here, but this city looks like it's da B.
  18. Porchman

    GG XV

    Buffalo skyline from Lake Erie vigil in Niagara Square Skyline from the Niagara River [read the barricade] North end of downtown where the Trains anscend to/descend from the Main Street pedestrian mall. Outside of downtown, the trains go subway up to the south campus of the University at Buffalo.
  19. Porchman

    GG XV

    What's Buffalo without it's wet, lake-effect snow? This storm came in early October. Notice the leaves still on the trees. The top of Buffalo City Hall
  20. Porchman

    GG XV

    Mmm. Now I want a cheesesteak. Keep trying. The Famous Anchor Bar (purportedly the birthplace of Buffalo wings). Schwinn recognized this. A HAIFER making a food connection, go figure.
  21. Porchman

    GG XV

    The Guaranty Building - Louis Sullivan The Albright-Knox Gallery
  22. Porchman

    GG XV

    Good guesses. Keep trying. I have to go to bed now. I'll post more tomorrow. Allentown Historic District. I lived here for a short period.
  23. Well, I think that there are a couple forces here. 1) Glut of townhouses. If you can buy new for slightly more than used, what do you think the average buyer is going to do, particularly when they might get to choose a few final finishes that they can build into their loan? I think townhouses are selling, but the used units are a bit harder to move...not impossible, though. 2) Price point: I think the conforming limits have a greater impact now than they have over the last several years. I've observed (casually, albeit) that the smaller homes here in the Heights (in good condition) are still demanding strong prices and clearing the market quickly, while some larger homes are listed a bit longer. Does anybody have some MLS breakdown capabilities to, say, look at sales of homes 2000(+)SF and 2000(-)SF? This would include days on market, approximate reduction off original list, etc.
  24. Porchman

    GG XV

    In case anyone is interested, I've added captions. Delaware Park Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens Niagara Frontier Transit Authority Rail subway station The Peace Bridge across the Niagara River with Ontario in the background.
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