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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Thank you for the post. Congrats on having your pic published with this. What about Wheeling, West Virginia? They're #14 on the list, and it's north of Baltimore.
  2. Thank you for posting these, E. I agree with CDeb that you really captured the scale of the Basilica. You also got some great shots of the enormous frescoes. And now I have the answer to the question that has been nagging at me - what do the Swiss Guard wear in the rain? I should have known it wouldn't be stripy camp ponchos.
  3. Porchman


    Empty space. Also, I experimented with a mark on an existing thread. It would not forward me out of the posting page, thanking me for my contribution. So I clicked the impatient man's hyperlink, and it zapped me back out to the main, non-forum page. I went back into the thread that I marked (man, that sounds like something my porchie cats would do the neighbor's car ) I clicked change, and it showed the mark over Downtown. Yesterday, however, I observed that Lockmat had marked the Biodiesel plant sucessfully. Still could not see the map on the thread, though. There was just blank space at the top.
  4. Buckin' for your own A&E flip show? Congratulations on another handsome and successful project!!
  5. From their website http://www.heightsbeerclub.com/
  6. Some nice pics. I particularly like this one. In my mind, it seems to define the Dallas. It's old style. It's modern style. It's location on the NTex plains. Oh, what is this building? It's rather cool. And I was about to post when I saw the "don't flame" warning. (Funny, this doesn't appear over pictures of Ottawa.) I like Dallas. I think it's a great city. On walks, I've enjoyed walking many of the old neighborhoods of which totheskies posted pics in this thread. "Don't flame"...what do you think we are, some pissant forum like SSF?
  7. It appears that most folks in the Heights are off the hook for watering yards tonight. We had an OK rain over most of the area.
  8. Sorry you had to go through this. I had a similar accident with a supposedly drunk driver in a puportedly stolen vehicle. All airbags blew, along with most windows. I, too, was addeled. I also had major whiplash and gllass cuts on my face. The discomfort and inconveneince suck. However, whether it be a drunk, somebody on their cell phone, or a person - ahem - well past their driving prime, we take a risk driving in Houston traffic. You'll be touchy for while. You'll get used to it again. As far as seeking remuneration: In many respects, your claims are subrogated to your insurance company and any settlement you accept for repair may negate further claims. (I had to file under my uninsured coverage, BTW.) You could discuss further claims with an attorney. For justice, start with asking the DA what they plan to do about the case.
  9. That hotel is fantastic if you have a Parliament view room and .7 USD=1 CAD. It's particularly fantastic if you've just spent five days in the woods with Quebecoise mosquitoes. (They hum in an odd way, and you swear they're griping that they're not really Canadian mosquitoes ).
  10. As I stood out there tonight trying to hit some key areas with the hose, I pondered letting it all die off, and putting in xeriscaping. I'm probably not going that way, though.
  11. We have a winnner! But we don't need the negative characterizations...ya know? PARLIAMENT THE CHATEAU LAURIER HOTEL THE SKYLINE ICE SKATING ON THE RIDEAU CANAL PARLIMENT HILL FROM A DISTANCE ALONG THE OTTAWA RIVER Other pics included the Tulip Festival, the Byward Market, Parliament Hill from the terrace of the Chateau Laurier, and the National Gallery. I also thought of putting in the distinctive Museum of Western Civilization, but technically that's in Gatineau, on the Quebec side of the River.
  12. All good guesses so far. Wrong, but good. Every city mentioned thus far has something essential in common with the subject of this Guessing Game.
  13. I believe This is it. Tunnel is sort of a glorified description. I hope your curiosity has unpiqued.
  14. Edit: One more since rsb is getting uptight
  15. We're going with the earlier suggestion to submit clues slowly.
  16. Yes http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/in...&hl=harvard
  17. The vegetation is definitely making me feel PacNW. The water makes me think Seattle or maybe Tacoma. EDIT: No Ranier, though, but that could be a haze issue or just the angle.
  18. Tim Heller (Ch. 13 - wears the straight pants, according to Crunch ) says we have a chance of rain on Saturday...the 27th . I'm not kidding. This is one of those really bad periods we go through. The trees in the neighborhood look really sad. Wind. The high front which is locking in the heat and locking out the moisture is generating a good breeze. The skyline views are great.
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