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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Niche, thank you so much for opening the place up to us. It's really an awesome building and was a great venue for the gathering. I enjoyed meeting/seeing you all. I guess we'll have to start earlier . Great beer! Thanks for sharing. Again, sorry about the glass. Man, I hadn't even had anything to drink before I started busting the place up. Yes. However, I need to load them on the other PC which is having issues this morning. Thanks for the good sound hook up. Really? I guess I leave a little bit of me wherever I go . Oh, you can keep the cheese wiz.
  2. ...And as we move from one box to another, our sense of community breaks down that much more, which, in turn, undermines the collaboration and shared values needed to render innovation, preservation, and good aesthetics.
  3. I thought that was sort of ironic myself along with the Star and Rooms to Go ads on 13 this morning.
  4. Only around Willowbrook and some bits near 45, though, right? Do you have a map you could post? Oh, I can hear the conversations around whether the areas north of 1960 and south of 1960 should incorporate together. I'll stay tuned for that. All kidding aside, it's a tough matter. The capital outlay is going to be serious. I don't see much impetus for COH to be proactive on annexation. The drive for annexation or incorporation is going to have to come from the NWHC residents. Some serious engagement needs to be initiated across whatever boundaries exist.
  5. I heard that only smoke got into the showroom. The Chron reports that Mack was filiming a new ad this morning to remind people about the Post Oak location.
  6. Mack told 13 that the Post Oak location will be open at 9AM tomorrow. He says he's not promising same day delivery. Very clear about the ops. Mack also reports that there are firewalls between the warehouse and showroom. His daughter, standing next to him (apparently supporting him), reports smoke billowing out of the showroom. He looked pale. I know he's insured. Still, I feel for him. Business people build their lives around their businesses. This kind of injury is not easy.
  7. We're having a block party - "Ike 2..The Party with Power"
  8. 13 has reported the Warehouse is engulfed and the showrrom is on fire. They showed video. The plumes of smoke are massive.
  9. This one? http://search.har.com/engine/dispSearch.cf...s=311%20W%208th EDIT: or this one? http://search.har.com/engine/dispSearch.cf...s=804%20Rutland
  10. Really? In my conversation with him, I was struck by his unassuming nature.
  11. I think we have two, good candidates in the runoff. I am supporting Maverick Welsh. As a Heights resident, I recognize the importance of historic preservation. My neighbors who restore homes throughout the Heights and who were active in trying to stop Harry James from tearing down the old house at 945 Heights, are endorsing Maverick, as well. As a citizen of the City of Houston, I recognize that there are issues beyond historic preservation. Infrastructure Public Safety Finance General quality of life matters - (e.g. environmental policies) I feel Maverick has articulated knoweldge of these issues and has offered proposals with greater breadth, depth, and innovation. I also think his experience as a Chief of Staff for a Council At-Large Member makes him better equipped to address these matters. Ultimately, the job description for a District Council Member is two-fold: (1) be a good representative for the neighborhood, and (2) help move the City, as a whole, in a good direction. I think both candidates represent themselves well on this first part. Maverick shows himself to be more accomplished and intuitive than Ed on the second part. Now Welsh can add another controversial endorsement to his list.
  12. I don't know about the HAIF policy, but you should never go to inferior forums for such answers. http://www.detroityes.com/
  13. He's been light on posting. He posted about a week ago. It would be nice to see him at the HAIFy hour (t-shirt and all).
  14. Other folks are bringing stuff, too. We look forward to sampling your craft, however.
  15. ...Six women, then...Thought we'd lost her.
  16. Yes, and she would like clarification regarding Crunch's concern.
  17. Walked the trail today from W 14 to the tressle. Took some pics of the progress. They extended the trail west of Nicholson to Lawrence Park, near N. Shepherd. This may come in handy for the drug dealers (discussed in This thread). They have not completed a large part of the section between Nicholson and Yale. One matter with which they are dealing is reconfiguration of the drainage at the bottom of the north-south streets in that area. I was also surprised that they are putting a large part of this segment on the side of the old rail bed, not on the bed itself. Based on these insets at the street intersections, it appears they do intend to put in posts to block cars from driving onto the trails. They did not include these insets along Nicholson. The stretch below White Oak, adjacent to the Freeland Historic District offers a great view of the CBD skyline. They have pulled up the old ties from the tressle, but that's it. They also have poured the concrete on the stretch over the knob between the tressle and the bridge over Studemont. The public art projects are being installed. (The artist, Miguel, has a magnified view of his artistic abilties...among other things).
  18. Keeping it real in the Heights .... Travis Elementary has been closed until May 26. 400 students called in sick today 12 cases of swine flu have been confirmed Chron story here
  19. Generally the area between Beall and White Oak Bayou in the W. 20's is in the flood plain. See the TSARP map . Yes, most of that area in the W. 20's is Shady Acres. Parts near Durham are Houston Heights up to about W 25.
  20. The 1-45 to 20th section is underway. The Calvalcade to North Loop section is not slated to be completed until 2012.
  21. He means that in a good way...really!
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