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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Yes, but we do not tax fatty food at a different rate like alcohol and tobacco. Yet, we provide a tremendous amount of Medicaid for it's consumption. Don't get me started on risk pools adjusted by Otto's. EDIT: Disclaimer: Otto
  2. Nine candidates are on the ballot to fill the Houston City Council Seat vacated by Adrian Garcia when he became Sheriff. Map of the District is here: http://www.houstontx.gov/council/maps/h.html Find your polling place and the ballot of candidates @ http://www.harrisvotes.com/ Information and links for the candidates can be found here: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/politics/6392501.html
  3. Awesome idea, Niche! Mrs. P. and I are in. We'll bring whatever. Someone please PM me with marching orders.
  4. Or P-Brown (as I'm now going to refer to him), can follow in Ray Nagin's footsteps and Call us "CC".
  5. What the WHO is focused on now is determining why it proved so communicable and deadly in Mexico, particularly with healthy adults and not in the U.S. or other World1 nations where the virous has appeared. Simply put, they really don't know what they're dealing with. So, they have to take precautions. NPR had a piece about the investigation this morning.
  6. Maybe Clinton is consulting him. Most of all, Brown needs the Funk. He'll help him find the funk.
  7. Until very recently, the Beconsfield Condominiums on Main did. But they undertook a MODERNIZATION PROJECT a few years ago. I cannot find the reference, but I think the updates negated need for someone to operate the elevators. I was just at Jones Hall last evening, but did not observe whether they still employed an elevator operator there. I think that position was trimmed with their budget cuts a few years ago. The elevator is a standard push-button elevator and does not require an operator.
  8. They were flying around yesterday, too. I didn't think much of anything about seeing them because we frequently have teams of Chinooks and Apaches fying past our house.
  9. They're working on that section now. The forms are in place at Yale.
  10. You could be right. It's all coming together now.
  11. LONGTIME GOP SENATOR SPECTER BECOMES A DEMOCRAT WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Veteran Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter told colleagues Tuesday that he switched from the Republican to the Democratic Party, Sen. Harry Reid says. Sen. Arlen Specter was expected to face a tough primary challenge in 2010. The Specter party switch would give Democrats a filibuster-proof Senate majority of 60 seats if Al Franken holds his current lead in the disputed Minnesota Senate race. Story at CNN
  12. There's a low spot on the bank of Buffalo Bayou that opens right onto the pond and green between the Hotel, 3 Riverway and 7 Riverway. This area flooded during Ike. It also flooded after some heavy rains a few years ago forced HCFCD to open the spillways upstream. The hotel's main driveway is on the left side of the picture. However, there is a back entrance to the facility off S Post Oak Lane.
  13. There's a new boat launch for Buffalo Bayou at the lobby of the Omni Hotel... ...but the swans are okay.
  14. Galveston is among 11 sites on the list of "America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places" assembled by the National Trust for Historic Preservation The CNN story continues here
  15. 11,000 dead trees could cost $706,000 By HARVEY RICE HOUSTON CHRONICLE GALVESTON
  16. Welcome! Can I pour you a cocktail? Would you like to work the heavy bag?
  17. Porchman

    Man Purse

    My high school faculty advisor had an elegant leather satchel. It seemed to go well with his tailored poncho and his fedora. He effectively innovated the metro-gaucho look.
  18. ...Just what I look for in a woman. Just kidding, Mrs. P. We are fans of Ch. 13, too. We like the rhythm of their newscasts. They cover stories thoroughly, but efficiently. Overall, their reporters are really professional. The other stations have some good reporters, too. However, they have some weak spots in their news teams. I hate that feeling that you're not getting the whole story because there's a sense that the person delivering it doesn't have their brain fully connected, and improvises in stupid cliches. The one-hour newscast at 6 is also attractive. It's not like I need the full-hour of news, but when we're cooking dinner, tending to the cats, or HAIFing, it's nice to have the broadcast streaming a bit longer. If I'm taking cat clumps out to the trash at 6:20, and miss the weather, Tim Heller comes back to visit at 6:45. Also, Mrs. P.'s got a thing for Ted Oberg. I'm okay with it.
  19. ...And Fred Hofheinz lives on Waverly Ct. It's downright incestuous, I say!
  20. BTW, Parker has set up her HQ at 321 Heights Blvd, which was previously discussed in This thread
  21. According to his Voter Registration, he lives adjacent to the museum district. That jives with a recent Chronicle article about all the mayoral candidates residing close to the City's center. However, there is no HCAD record for that address. Hmmm... EDIT: There is an HCAD record
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