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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. Usual suspects, T. A lot on Airline. (Oh, and there were only 28 listed). Studewood -Bedford -Glass Wall -Antidote -Dacapo's -Andy's -11th Street Caf
  2. My Table magazine's current issue features a "Foodie Guide to the Heights". They cover 30 establishments ranging from Andy's and Pink's to Bedford and Textile, and outlets like Penzey's and El Bolillo. Nice, short takes on each. They arranged the article geographically - 19th, Studewood, White Oak, Airline, and other. If you're not a subscriber, they do have limited retail circulation. I think I've seen it at Sur La Table.
  3. So, if you hate hyperboles, and are feelin' a bit kinky....
  4. Welcome to HAIF! Welcome to Houston! I have a coworker coming in from that area. 6:30 - usually 30 minutes. 7:00 - usually 50 minutes. She arrives at at the office around 7. I think she broods and watches Youtube...I think....I don't know. My 12 minute commute from the oppisite direction is not as susceptible to traffic flows, and, therefore, not initiated with great intent at beating traffic (or any other great intent, for that matter). You could always plan to arrive early, log on to HAIF, and argue with whatever the night owls posted the evening before.
  5. However, there is a silent rule that if you choke to death on the plastic baby, you're off the hook.
  6. I bet Red eats celery. Freshness being a factor...maybe not. I think the pups would be seriously stressed at Canino's. If I go there at prime time, it's stressful for me. BACK ON TOPIC Y'ALL: I have been digesting the expense of fixing the 2001 screw-up on Jones Plaza. It seems stupid after only 6 years of living with this mistake. On the other hand, people trade cars and wives much sooner, so who am I to judge? The square is not congenial (sorry for that particular adjective, but it's not...congenial). It needs to be flattened again. When one stands, enjoying a cocktail (just anyone, really!), at the front on Jones Hall, you should enjoy the psychadelic, modern castle that houses the Alley. Besides, I always thought there was a decompositionist aspect of watching skateboarders during a symphony break. Also, if it is reconstructed, it creates a great works project. And on that point, I give the floor to my right honourable friend, TJones
  7. To Sir, with Love by Lulu and covered by Natalie Merchant and Michael Stipe in 1993
  8. I saw the report on the 10PM news. Apparently, we're all going to be vigilant - all of the residents, HPD, HCSD, the Constables, Sheila Jackson Lee, and the man who rides his bike around the Heights wearing a sun dress. BTW, Channel 13 mentioned the meeting right after the story about the three, recent home invasions in Pearland.
  9. I'm stunned! Nobody expected this. All kidding aside, I like Annise for Mayor. People are going to make an issue of her being a lesbian - against her for it and celebrating her for it. We have a huge enterprise in the City of Houston. (A $2 billion + budget). She has the background to manage that. Jones School MBA, City Controller, yada-yada. She's very qualified. If anyone likes the other candidates, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. (Oh, "because Ben Hall might not be a lesbian" is not the input that I, personally, am looking for).
  10. That's sad. Cafe Montrose had great moules et frites at a much better price than Cafe Rabelais. I remember when they first opened in the late 90's, and they were BYOB.
  11. The Fleetwoods did Come Softly. I've never heard Mr. Blue either EDIT: Now I've got Come Softly stuck in my head. (Dum-Dum. This Song is so Dumb-be-dooby-dumb) It's that milestone you're approaching, Red.
  12. Why not just add a bunch of showerheads on Jones Plaza? It would complete the picture.
  13. Mrs. P. and I went had dinner at Vietnam last night. Food is still great, not to mention relatively cheap. They're still adjusting to the new set up a bit, and they got slammed with a big crowd. However, the service was very attentive and courteous.
  14. Appears you're right, C. Tim Heller's bio. Did you and the Cap'n bet on this?
  15. This is a favorite. However, I wish I had a video of my friend's cat who learned to run test pages on his color inkjet. The cat then turned each page into to confetti. Much fun was had while the human was at work.
  16. Yeah, I feel that black hoodies are not exactly Centerpoint MO Everybody: -Keep your doors locked (even when it seems stupid). -Keep your motion sensor lights in good condition (or keep a few outside lights on). -Look out your windows when you have the opportunity -Be aware of your environment even even when in you are in your own yard -Stay in good touch with your neighbors. We, in the Hieghts, live in an urban environment. It comes with reponsibilities. Oh, and keep posting any incidents in your know. If we've got details, we go from an abstract paranoia to a better discernment of risk.
  17. I found it. Actually, Mrs. Porchman found it. We don't have a scanner, so, as loyally as possible, I have typed it in below. First, the story of Jonquil... Jonquil is about my age (41), maybe a bit older. She has 3 children and one grandchild. She grew up in Algiers, across the River from NOLA, and was raised by her grandmother, for the most part. Jonquil always lived in the same neighborhood. From what she told me, it was a neighborhood where everybody knew everybody else (and everybody else's business). Also, they always helped each other. (It was expected). Jonquil and her family evacuated to Houston after Katrina, and lived in the Heights for a while. She worked as a health aide in various environments
  18. I love gumbo. I have a recipe around here somewhere. It came from one of the Katrina evacuees who was living here in the Heights for a while. It's written in pencil, in about 3rd grade english. It took her about 20 minutes to go through the details with me, including things like where to get the dried shrimp. I never have made it. I like the gumbo at Mardi Gras and Treebeards, and feel that any attempts on my part will fall short. I am also eagerly awaiting "mud bug" season.
  19. Nice pics, E. I do remember the downtown being rather dead when I was there about 15 years ago. A lot of Government, and not much else. I also remember there being a lot of turtle roadkill on the highways around there.
  20. This reminds me of a pic in Time magazine about 15-20 years ago, showing Houston's billboard population. It was around the time that the moratorium was enacted. I think it was snapped on the Katy Freeway. It made it look as though Houston had about 100 billboards per mile. Edit: {So it made sense}
  21. For the price range and living space you've described, you're probably looking further out. For relatively a relatively stable neighborhood, I would look in the Champions area, north of 1960 - either for an older ranch or perhaps a newer patio home like this one... 6812 Queensclub. Good luck.
  22. They laid off their 300 employees yesterday. Memorial Hermann likely will like have to take on many of the patients. KTRK report
  23. It's nice to know that their cars are more tasteful than the interior of the Hotel's lobbies. I just don't get the big go-go-whore thang. It's a lovely place otherwise.
  24. Ah, yes! Moellers! Another office mate would get them from there. They were good, too.
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