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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. I used to get them at 3 Brothers when they had the River Oaks location. I remember that I had to order ahead. It got big thumbs up from the office mates.
  2. OK. I'll try Doug's. However, I really don't want chat or anything. # 4 Trimmer sides and back, trimmers on the top...and when I want it (when my hair gets a mind of its own). EDIT: OK. Maybe not
  3. Thanks for he heads up, Tiko. Any violence or just robbery? Were these the new, SSH homes over there? Edit: Oh crap! Crime is migrating over my side of Heights? There goes the neighborhood.
  4. That's in the Memorial Villages. They make their own rules . Actually, they have a pathway along those stretches, and it's a good idea since the roadway is modestly narrow and a bit slalomnistic.
  5. Crunch's invitation to contribute to other threads was genuine. I invite you to do the same. You see, we're not primarily about the topics you have decided to jump into, and that was essentially her intent, as Red pointed out. If you just want to digest your annoyance, go to one of the following... http://www.arguewitheveryone.com/ http://www.politicalcrossfire.com/ http://www.politicalforum.com/
  6. Nope. Don't remember my parents getting me into Yale. Damn! I want mine. Let's spread the social promotion around, too!
  7. Shrub. Hey, why not? The Republican majority in Congress, the Bush White House, and the conservative pundits kept blaming everything on Clinton, after all.
  8. ..And in 25 minutes, one of them will no longer be President
  9. I agree - too many stops along there. However, I see too many cars blow through stops to feel comfortable that making Nicholson the primary street at intersections is a good idea. They do need to put some very clear street markings down, though so people stop aside the bike path, not in it's crossing. Also, Nicholson @ W 11th and Yale @ 7th are going to be a challenge - two lanes each way with traffic running at a furious pace. However, we're a City that can resolve the most absurd traffic dangers. Really!
  10. Yeah, I was seeing all the lock-and-load comments after last week's unfortunate happening in the hood. I was thinking, 'let's add a flowerpot and a possum to that, and it will sound like New Years Eve again.' Porchman knows certain things. Ya ever seen Burn Notice?
  11. Good point, E. Also, not a single poster has mentioned Osama bin Laden. (You French Fry eaters! I hate you all. )
  12. On the North Belt and the West Belt, they might as well put... Left Lane = Death Lane It would, at least, help protect the innocents. I was doing about 75/80 on my way back from the Champions area tonight. I kept to the right to avoid the surge of drivers in large SUVs going far faster than I. I thought that HCTRA was going to push more enforcement on the tollways.
  13. It's a gunsmith Mueschke MFG. Co. 1003 Columbia Houston, Tx 77008 For a minute, though, Red, I was concerned it might have something to do with your neighbor's art projects .
  14. For me, it would depend on the range from which it was beng shot.
  15. ...or Hobby University, or Duncan University, or Sarofim University, or [Whoever commits $200 million to us] University. Although they might have to push back on any naming interest from Houston Endowment b/c they wouldn't want to be confused with Bob Jones University.
  16. As of Monday, they're still closed. The renovations look great, and they look like they're done. Not sure what the hold up is.
  17. From the Houston Chronicle Chron article here
  18. Mrs. Porchman and I have both gotten our glassses there - albeit, on insurance. I would agree that their regular prices are a bit steep. We've both been really happy with product and service. Mrs. P's Rx is complicated, and has required a great deal of fine tuning. They were very accomodating. If you're not happy with your specs, have you sought resolution with them? Also, there are other eye places in the Heights if buying local is important to you. However, they may be located next to a used car dealership or something, rather than in a spiffy strip center. As for your question, I would say Harold's. From their current sale posting... WALK SHORTS and SWIM WEAR 2 for $99
  19. Texas just implemented such signage a few legislative session back. However you only see them in the more rural areas. They might not be all that useful in Houston because drivers doing 80 are going to pass wherever they want anyway, and yielding right of way in any manner is a foreign concept to most drivers here.
  20. I was confused by that recommendation. Thumbs up for putting a light in at W18/ETCJ, though. Thumbs up to fixing the 18th/19th/20th mess, too. Careful, though. COH might give you the SAC - Shady Acres Circle. I agree that 19th and 20th should remain two-lane streets, however good-sized turn lanes should be put in at Bevis and Beall.
  21. As I said, I could only rember those couple things, and it's been about 2 years since I've been in there. I also remember they had a lot of jarred items on the far wall, too - chutneys and the like. I can't remember if those were local or not. Mrs. P. and I are Penzey's addicts. We go by, at least, monthly. It's a great olfaction shopping experience and the spices are really fresh.
  22. I only went in once or twice. The only things I remember being somewhat unique were Texas venison (which, I know, is not that unique if you hunt or, like me, schmooze people who hunt), and, if I remember correctly, some local, hothouse produce. The local concept for food has been a big thing of late. However, McCain's positioning in this realm made them just a fancier, more expensive version of a farmers market, of which Houston now has plenty. I do feel bad for its failure. My only surprise at the closing is that it has taken this long.
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