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Everything posted by Porchman

  1. This appears to be officially dead. The land is for sale. Nearby, Cushman Wakefield is reppping the sale of the HISD property on the east side of Ashland between W16 and W17.
  2. My aunt had to replace her iron trellis columns on her ranch. I advised that she look at getting something a bit less flowery because it seemed to make the house look dated. She resisted, at first. However I showed her something like #93 on this page, and she really liked it.
  3. The Fiesta on North Shep has cart patrol, as well. Think, one pickup, that ususally only has to hit a handful of apt. complexes, instead of numerous cars that might have driven to and from the store. Fiesta is very green.
  4. Not sure if it bit the dust. The article inidcated it was delayed (while other mentioned projects are biting the dust) Neither http://www.stopashbyhighrise.org/ or Buckhead Investment Partners indicate that this is a no-go..yet
  5. Media in the U.S. should not be regulated. If anything, civil litigation should take care of that. Absence of malice is one thing. However, the negligence matter is evolving in the media realm. As an aside, from what I heard of the ruling, I think that if Sylvester Turner had sued Dolcefino and KTRK for negligence (i.e. you didn't research your story, you're all about efficiency and making profits for ABC, and you expect return of timely stories), he might have actually prevailed. Additionally, I believe that things run in balance. (OK, so I'm a libra). Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Coulter (well, not so much Coulter because only total wackos will publish/broadcast her) have done their damage. Yet, we have elected a democrat - a black democrat - a democrat who can't bowl (BTW. I can't bowl either, but I do know it's an important part of life to Americans in the Midwest and Katy) - as President of the United States. I didn't expect this in 2004 when Shrub accepted his victory amongst those big, black W banners (which, quite frankly, reminded me of Hitler speaking in front of his party's banners - replacing his country's flag with his ideals.) Free press can disseminate bent information. Free press also can report that there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Free press also can report on the damage of that fallacy
  6. Yeah, Wanda is getting some wine bar on her side of Shepherd, and Pam screws residents of her constituency on the her side of Shepherd. The ladies were workin' the strip today. (I'm not a moderator, so I'm callin' them out, dbigtex56 ).
  7. Thinking? No. Registered? Yes. This sounds great. Thanks for posting this, Lockmat.
  8. The magazine features a cover pic with the awesome view and an article detailing Robert A. Levy's and Melinda Brizzolara Crader's work on Ric Campos' digs. Article here
  9. ...Not to be confused with the In-N-Out on North Shepherd, which is more about the buns than the burgers. Sorry...however, katyresident's comparison, as phrased, struck me with surprise, at first.
  10. TurboTax - makes the prep less painless. I submit online. While I cough at the online filing fee, I a. dislike the bother of sending something CMRRR (ok, so I'm lazy and I have aversion to dealing with postal employees) b. really like getting thumbs up from the IRS within hours of filing.
  11. The obituary for William Bracken. Had it not been for the picture, I would not have noticed it. Not to sound too morose about this, but there have been a lot of news stories about kids dying around here lately, and it's sort of bugged me. Perhaps, because it particularly poignant when families have to bury a child at the Holidays. There's my bit of cheer for this foggy morning. Aplologies.
  12. Apparently someone got in the way of a reveler's stray bullet in the west Harris County. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=...&id=6581106 And why stop at shooting guns? Why not set a performing arts center ablaze. Wortham sustained smoke damage. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=...&id=6581097
  13. This is really sad. On a side note, this complex houses Bush 41's office as well as Culberson's Houston office.
  14. You'd have to get back in the car, but Farrago would be a good close-by option as far as menu goes.
  15. The burbs are okay. We visit folks in the Champions area regularly, and I think it's pretty. Lovely trees. Nice Homes. They all seem to be great neighbors. What strikes me, particularly, is the diversity of our burbs. (#7 on Stuff white people like, after all). I have only a handful of non-anglo households in my neighborhood. So much for the urban experience. I do love the Heights. However, until cuteness and really short commutes become more celebrated than large yards and big homes, the Heights may lack something. (I know, Blasphemin'!) .
  16. Nice shots. The long shadows of winter are sort of a neat thread through all these. I particularly like Sam with the Hotel Zaza in the background. I think Sam would have liked the Zaza...well, the Monarch Lounge, at least.
  17. Just persist on arranging HAIFy hours, ya never know. You might have to change your member name to "Matchmaker". (It's not taken...I checked).
  18. I know. Bloody Mary's are much more appropriate for that hour.
  19. You're correct it is Brazoria.... http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metrop...an/6181989.html
  20. Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, and Episcopalians tend to be more personally involved with a liturgical calendar. Other traditional, Protestant religions like Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Methodists do acknowledge the Epihany in their services. I recenty learned that the Eastern Orthodox recognize Epiphany on 1/05. Technically, they're right if you count 12/25 as day one.
  21. Until Twelfth Night (or thereabouts). Since I'm likely not to run home from work, dismantle the tree, and run it to Memorial Park for recycling on 1/05 (the last day for tree recycling), it will likely come down on the Sunday after New Years. We're Catholic light .
  22. Growing up: On Christmas Eve, I was allowed to choose one present from under the tree to open. On Christmas Day, we had to open our presents one at a time, and we had to preserve the wrapping as much as possible. Due to the fact that my mother and my aunt believed that one or two presents was inadequate, and that Christmas was the best time to restock necessities like socks and underwear, opening presents went on for a few hours. Now: Mrs. Porchman and I return late from her godparents house. Still working on digesting the large meals we have there, we find it convenient to stay up and unwrap the packages under the tree, while we sip our club soda. This works well because it frees us up on Christmas morning to prep for the family who come to our house on Christmas afternoon. (Santa doesn't scrub the toity, you know).
  23. Good sound...Like it! Freedom is rather infectious. I also really like Another Masquerade. Please keep us up to date on your upcoming gigs.
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